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Posted By

on 2003-06-11
 Re: Site visitors...

>>SVS, a lot of those visitors could be actual Plus/4 fans, but they have never logged in and never posted (so I can't track them). There is quite a number of people hanging around the Hungarian Plus/4 forum, and I'm sure they visit us every once in a while... Maybe they just don't want to post in English?

I figured this. Is there anyway to "shock" them to login (once for all)?
Pleaaaaaze people happy happy

Csabo, since you know hungarian language, why you don't post a welcome message in the hu.forum to ask them for login here too?

Posted By

on 2003-06-09
 Re: Site visitors...

T.M.R: we'll lose the mazochistic people, so what happy (the real mazochists are not the +4 fans but the coders anyway happy)

Posted By

on 2003-06-09
 Re: Site visitors...

SVS, a lot of those visitors could be actual Plus/4 fans, but they have never logged in and never posted (so I can't track them). There is quite a number of people hanging around the Hungarian Plus/4 forum, and I'm sure they visit us every once in a while... Maybe they just don't want to post in English?

Posted By

on 2003-06-09
 Re: Site visitors...

Hey, some people would enjoy being beaten [sniggers =-] Personally, i'm just a C64 fan who is diversifying!

Posted By

on 2003-06-09

I think I'm obviously a fan as I have the "community" key on my keyboard to come straight to this sites homepage happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-09
 Re: Site visitors...

I think everyone shoud be beaten who's not a plus4 fan, so we could have lots of people joining our cause happy

Posted By

on 2003-06-09
 Site visitors...

I see in the bottom of Forum-page that often there is (was) a lot of unknown visitor people.
Is there any mode to "relink" them to the scene? Or perhaps somebody of them is/could become a new Plus4 fan. Any idea to interest them in "our" matters?
... I think to a guest-book, a suggestions notepad, wishes note, polls, etc...
Please tell your ideas to increase the Plus4 gang wink

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