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on 2003-05-25
 Re: Beach-Head turboload

Ok...looks like there's some confusion here...

I'm in the UK, and my copy's cover is the same as the cover scan here.

Americana originally started out as US Gold's budget label, then I believe they sold it (or handed its operations) to Mastertronic, because US Gold later launched their Kixx budget label.

Posted By

on 2003-05-24
 Re: Beach-Head turboload

Uh..... Access Software released a c64 version here, but nobody released a Plus/4 version in the States.

Posted By

on 2003-05-24
 Re: Beach-Head turboload

Wow, so thats how it came about! It's hard to believe that Mastertronic released such a title out side of europe just for the USA market. Learn something every day.

Does the cover look anything like the link on eBay?

Posted By

on 2003-05-24
 Re: Beach-Head turboload

I've just checked my Americana version, and it's exactly the same as the .TAP here.

And BTW, Mastertronic were the distributors of the Americana version (according to the back of the cover) and it has a Mastertronic-style product code (AC 2011) happy

Posted By

on 2003-05-23
 Re: Beach-Head turboload

Dont be fooled by the cover we have here, that belongs to Luca. The Tap was'nt from that version happy

It was me who created the TAP (yet to scan) from this release below, honest happy

Link: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3025621213&category=11991

Posted By

on 2003-05-23
 Re: Beach-Head turboload

That's right! That reminds me, it was Americana that reissued it on budget (£2.99 I think), but the one I bought was the US GOLD version. I got it a couple of weeks after it came out, and I don't remember it being a turboload. I don't have it anymore to check, but if that's true, I would think that it was the Americana version that has the turboload, not the US GOLD one.

Posted By

on 2003-05-23
 Re: Beach-Head turboload

The early stuff from Mastertronic did'nt have Turbos at all.
It was'nt untill sometime later in 1985 did they start adding Turbos and then they went and did a re-run of all the early stuff with Turbos on the sly. wink

The Beach-head you downloaded is the original release. Copyright 1985 and even has the Copyright ACCESS on the tape. So maybe the above happened with Access.

And Beach-Head being related to Mastertronic is a myth that came from that Mastertronic fan site. Mastertronic never released Beach-Head. It was first released by Access under the US GOLD lable and then later by Americana.

Posted By

on 2003-05-22
 Re: Beach-Head turboload

That's the only one we seem to have, so I would assume that IS the original. Do you have a copy that's not turbo loader? It would seem strange for Mastertronic to put out a non-turbo loader tape. Well, I can't answer for sure though. This is a perfect question for our friend Lando, if he can tear himself away from Udo's stuff wink

Posted By

on 2003-05-22
 Beach-Head turboload

The version of Beach Head that I downloaded a while back on this site is the turboload version, which if I recall is not the same as the original release. When was the turboload version released? Is that the one on the budget reissue 18 months later?

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