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on 2019-08-08
 Re: Black screen (newish tv)

cpu should not be stone cold - if it is, chances are that it's not receiving any clock at all (pointing my finger over TED), PLA on the other hand consumes 600mW of power meaning that it is boiling hot by design
first what i would do would be is to check clock for cpu

Posted By

on 2019-08-08
 Re: Black screen (newish tv)

Dear Vantis,

Just to mention: I have a Dell monitor, and I learned in the hard way, that some devices are very picky to the signal quality. My Dell 2007FP "Ultrasharp" monitor (despite having CVBS and SVideo inputs) refuses to handle the C= and Spectrum machines, but works well with my portable DVD player.

Are you confident, that the video output is NOT coming out? Do you have any other older TV sets you can test the C= +4 on the side AV panel?

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on 2019-08-08
 Re: Black screen (newish tv)

You may want to try contact MCes. I think, he mentioned somewhere in the forum, that he made a replacement himself.

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on 2019-08-05
 Re: Black screen (newish tv)


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on 2019-08-05
 Re: Black screen (newish tv)

U19 is PLA, which is another Achilles-heel of the machine. If it's hot it could be dead. You may want to try find (or build) a replacement. There are original parts sometimes on eBay, or better, you should try finding modern replacement like SuperPLA.

Posted By

on 2019-08-05
 Black screen (newish tv)

Hello, I have been given a commodore plus 4 (I was looking for a c64) and I have a black screen (c36), I have checked the voltages and get 5.4v and 11.96v, the cpu is stone cold and U19 is boiling, I have read that it probably will be the CPU (8501) and TED, does anyone have any other ideas of what I could check before I give up on it

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