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on 2018-06-16
 Re: New idea for a game

I thought about this a bit, and I think the idea is great. So much so that I keep wondering if this has been done before. I did a search for "Sokoban 3D", but what comes up is essentially the same Sokoban game idea, but with a 3D view. I really do think you have something here.

As far as the mockup goes... Everyone seems to love them around here, so I'd say go for it!

Posted By

on 2018-06-16
 New idea for a game

I don't know how category i should use, so i take "general". I have an idea for a new game but i don't have enough time to make it, at this moment.

My idea:
there are some block moving games like sokoban out there. But, these games uses only one floor every level to play. Why not creating a sokoban like game with 2 or 3 floors. Some blocks should be on floor 2 or 3, so you need to move this block into a hole they falling down into another floor. Similiar seen in 2D Zelda games. It should be very interesting and difficult to normal sokoban games.

I can make a little mockup how it could look. I think it will be possible to make it in BASIC. But if someone want to do such a game in assembler (or similiar like C), you are welcome. happy

What do you think?

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