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Posted By

on 2003-01-03
 Check out Big Mac

I rate this better happy

And later levels can be very tricky. This was an awesome game the weekend I got it. I never turned it off and still to this day I haven't finished it

Posted By

on 2003-01-02

I say technically because it seems to rise above it's station. It couldn't be that simple to cram the game into 12K, because it has the look and design of a C64/Spectrum game, but with better colour. I wouldn't have thought a C16 could have done that, but if you have the programming skills, or "technique", then obviously it is.

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on 2003-01-02

Not a technical game by any means.... one of the simplest to write in fact..... but easily one of the best!!

Great fun.... One of my fav's

Posted By

on 2003-01-01
 Monty Map

is here: Monty Map

Should answer all your questions.....

Posted By

on 2003-01-01
 Monty On The Run

Highly impressed by this game technically - but how many pieces do you have to collect? And does anyone know how many screens there are?

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