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Posted By

on 2002-12-10
 Search improvements

I did this update yesterday, but forgot to mention it. Well here it is just for completeness sake: our search page has been updated to include the Tools section (try searching for YAPE or Minus4). I have also fixed a bug: if any game had a note, which contained an HTML tag, it was incorrectly cut (and the tags stayed open). It is now fixed.

Posted By

on 2002-11-17
 Typo corrections in smileys

:S does not work, it was intended to be a curved mouth.
:~ does not do what I intended either.

} : ) = devil or horns
0 : ) = angelic or innocent

Posted By

on 2002-11-17
 SVS --> Smileys

: ) = happy
; ) = wink
: ( =
: s = :s
: p =
B ) = B) glasses doesn't work, this could be sunglasses or spectacles.

I think this covers all of the ones Lando originally authorized. I submitted the others (listed above with () parenthesis) to supplement the ones that were already available. Some months back this was illustrated in this forum if you wish to search.

Of course you could always use the ones you use elsewhere as long as they are understood:
}happy devil or horned
0happy angelic or innocent
using an asterick * for a nose indicates intoxication or use of alcohol, or Rudolph the reindeer }:*)
using an o for a nose indicates a large nose
using an ~ for a nose indicates a runny nose or the typist has been crying
using a ^ for a nose indicated a pointed nose or someone who thinks they are higher standing in society than they really are (uppity-nose is a common term in US)
% indicates crossed-eyes (maybe from being in front of a computer for too long?)
@ indicates a patch over one eye, as in a pirate
)) or (( indicates extremely happy or sad

I am sure that there are others; if a person does not understand they should write back for an explanation if the conversation does not make the emoticon clear.

And now a bonus for those of you who have read this whole darned thread looking for something new: in the US there is a commercial running for high-speed Internet access, that implies that by using their service you will accomplish things much faster, to the point of eventually reaching the 'End of the Internet'. There is a site that actually exists by the name of The End of the Internet. It isn't a lot to cheer about, but you can tell your friends that you reached it. happy

Posted By

on 2002-11-14
 Very amusing :)

could I ask Csabo for a list of all available smiles? You could add a button on the "new post" page. Clicking on it, a window could open; the list of smiles will appear and the writer could choice one by click on it.
Is that too much?
Anyway thank you for your attention.

P.S. - The screen-shots will follow in a few days; be patient in the meanwhile wink

Posted By

on 2002-11-13
 More bugs fixed

I've fixed up search with a few more things. It turns out if you did a search for something in capitals (e.g. "Scene") it would not highlight the found word (because of the capital S). This is now fixed, the search is truly case-insensitive. I've also switched the date and program type columns for Programs (the date column is narrower, so the resulting table looks better).

As long as I'm telling what's new: the member details page has been improved: the list of programs released by a member is now in alphabetical order (it wasn't sorted at all before). There are a few more new smiley shortcuts on the forum, I have to build in a little help feature somewhere. They are
( a ) is
( B ) is that's capital B
( b ) is that's lowercase b
( o ) is
( m ) is
( z ) is

The forum posting is better: you can no longer post without specifying a user name (at least write anonymus), and you cannot post with someone else's user name. I've also fixed the way the sidebar looks in a few styles on the front page.

Posted By

on 2002-10-31
 Search bug fixed

I have just fixed a bug in the search engine here at Plus/4 World that caused members not to appear if they only had their Handle entered (e.g. if you would search for "The Raven" nothing would come up). I noticed this today. I was researching/adding stuff as usual when in an old Signals magazine I found the real name, city and country of "The Mad Dog". I did a search and nothing came up so I added him as a new member. Later I realized that something was wrong and I already had him entered but with his handle only. So that's the story, now it's fixed and we know who The Mad Dog was.

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