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on 2002-10-09
 Micro Illustrator

Jim, I tried the disk images on your CD as I knew that they were ripped from the original disk. I tried on YAPE, WinEMU, and Minus4, and only YAPE with 1541 emulation worked. The others don't support 1541 emulation well enough (if at all) to get past the copy protection.

Norbert's contribution is coded to PAL, so it may work on a PAL machine fine; I don't know because when I used it on YAPE with PAL Kernal it messed up the screen when loading the screen files. The copy protection on the disk is the culprit, not a problem with Norbert's file. If I move the screen files to a seperate disk they should load fine as they won't be on a disk-full of 'errors'.

What I originally wanted was the disk image (as closely as possible to what Commodore released), so your images are fine. Somewhere in one of the Plus Exchanges is an article on how to mod it for PAL, sent in by an Australian user. (I'll have to dig through the newsletters for it.)

I had added an NTSC Kernal rev 5 from Funet, it's on your page.

As for the filepackers, that's an area that I will have to familarize myself with. I was out of the Plus/4 stuff by 1990 and not back til 2000, so there's a whole decade of advances that I knew nothing about. In fact, I gave away my 64/Plus/4 software (MI, Rug Rider, etc) to a coworker back in '94 cause he had kids that were using a C64.... hence my lack of photos or actual disk images for those titles.
Posted By

on 2002-10-09
 Cross Platform

Csabo... James has a number of filepacker/textpacker programs that will work between the Plus4/C64/C128 that you might find useful, down the line. Don't press him, as I know how limited ones time can be. Funnet messed up a bit with the Plus4 SDA files and many were removed as they downsized the Plus4 area. They were originally uploaded as .+SDA if they were Plus4 specific. Along with Lynx, there were SDL (self-dissolving lynx), Arc, Sda, Zip and Zipcode files that would unpack or could be unpacked on any commie machine. Some of the latter needed the C128 to be running in 64 mode, as by that time I didn't have a C128 anymore. You really need a graphics page to show off the Plus4 stuff. Between Multicolor, Hires, Geopaint, Interlace and MacPaint files there are a lot of good examples of the Plus4 could do!
Posted By

on 2002-10-09

Use Load"filename",8,1 on those Micro Illustrator files.
I just posted a PRG version of MI in both Ntsc and Pal that work just fine, loaded as a prg, on Yape or Minus4W.
Csabo.. why don't you try the new cruncher on this one...
Posted By

on 2002-10-09
 Maybe this will help, James

I thought that I'd already done something about the Pal/Ntsc situation with Micro Illustrator. I back checked on some of the files I sent you and found what I was looking for. On the PaintPgms2-D81 you will find Microillus-Toolkits.D81 and Micro&MultiColorUpgrades. There are versions (Pal&Ntsc) of MicroIllustrator that I ripped as single files. They seem to run fine on the emus. I uploaded then to:


I only had a copy of the Ntsc version, so I had to converted it to Pal, too. The boot requires a true 1541, as I wrote it using a kernal load routine. You can just load the files (Pal or Ntsc) directly and they will do fine on the emus if you type SYS32765 at the prompt, after loading them. I uploaded a copy of the NTSC Kernal that you can drop into Yape or others, if you don't have already.

The Advanced Artist program is a tweaked version of Micro Illustrator. Can't wait for true drive emulation, on the emus, as there are a lot of viewers and graphic toolkits on the Cd using requestor menus that need ml or specific kernal load routines.

The two additional files are a couple of SDG (Self Displaying Graphics). Just dload and run them... seem to be fine on either Ntsc or Pal. The first is called JIMSAVE and is one I did on MicroI, for Jack Vander Whites Mag. The other is a videograb I did, using the Plus4 and a modified MicroEye video cam (originally designed for the C64). Man! the res was crappy back then... but we didn't know any better, Huh?
Posted By

on 2002-10-09
 Jim -->

I am going to add a note on the Micro Illustrator disks that 1541 emulation (or a true 1541) is required, hence only YAPE will support it.

Norbert's cracked MICROILLUSTRATOR.PRG even messes up when loading files off the Micro Illustrator .d64. Oh well, an excuse to gather all the pics up into one 'Storage Disk' .d64 that won't be copy protected. wink
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on 2002-10-09
 Exomizer's range

It's a very cool cruncher, Jim. According to the docs, it can compress files as large as $0C00-$FFFF (I haven't had a file of that size yet).
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on 2002-10-09
 Jim -->

I have revised the disclaimer at the top of your page to reflect 'tested on an emulator with an NTSC Kernal revision 5'.
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on 2002-10-09

The Ntsc kernal seems to work with the others as well. For just dinking around and checking out disks, I prefer Christian's OS96 Basic/Kernal set. He used the old trick of placing a colon after the filenames, when you Directory, and that allows you to just press the F2 key (Dload) on the file you want to load. Makes it about as easy to load a file from the Directory as Mike's Minus4W. I Appreciate the work you are doing, James, with your limited time (same here). If I'd had the webpage space or time, I would have posted a lot of stuff, long ago. Also sorry about all the SDA archives, it just seemed like a convient way to store groups of 64 files or 215 disk blocks, back then. I see that Csabo got someone to write another cruncher... good going Csabo! I could only use up to $F200, as I was including a turbo that resided in himem.
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on 2002-10-09

Actually, guys, I have no trouble runnig most of the Ntsc hacked stuff on Yape with an Ntsc V5 kernal rom selected, under Configuration-Custom.
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on 2002-10-08

Got it! happy A bunch of the games fixed by Jim Hehl are not even in our database. Nice stuff.
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on 2002-10-08
 Csabo -->

Yes I recevied and responded to your email, about 20 minutes ago.
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on 2002-10-08

James, did you get my email? I'm waiting for your feedback happy
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on 2002-10-07

Stupid me..... when I uploaded the Gazette disk, the filename was in all uppercase. The link was to a filename in lowercase. The link has been fixed.

I have included a 'RUN ME NOW" program at the end of the directory, with bried descriptions of each file and the issue that the file is from. Hopefully Jeremy's FTP site wil be working by now (it wasn't allowing page views over the weekend) so that others can read the docs if their particular issue has been eaten by the dog, absorbed multiple cups of coffee, etc.

I kept the "READ ME NOW" under 9K so that it could be used on a C16.... the way I realy wanted to write it, it wouldn't have fit in 16K. So I apologize for anyone who thinks that my program doesn't give enough information....
Posted By

on 2002-10-07
 Nice job!

Excellent stuff as usual, James. However the "Download Gazette Disk 1985-1986" link on the gazette page seems to be broken, I've tried it several times, but it doesn't work. Everything else (new stuff) I was able to download.
Posted By

on 2002-10-06
 Another Upload at cbm264.com!

This upload is for the Compute!'s Gazette Plus/4 and C16 disk, volume 1. It covers their software from 1985 and 1986.

I have also uploaded some of Jim Hehl's NTSC-fixed software (mostly patched European games). You'll want to copy these off to a disk, though, as the emulators presume you're using PAL software.

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