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Posted By

on 2013-06-09
 Re: Couple of newbie questions about plus/4

Yes, to extend the life of your hot-running chips, glue low-profile heatsinks to them. As an alternative, you can replace certain chips with cooler-running EPROMs which also would use less power.

JiffyDOS would speed up serial bus operations and give a DOS wedge. JD makes it easier to use a mass storage device, like a CMD hard drive, SD2IEC, or uIEC.

I've got to post some photos
of an EPROMized Plus/4,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
July 27-28 Commodore Vegas Expo v9 -

Posted By

on 2013-06-03
 Re: Couple of newbie questions about plus/4

Thanks guys.

For those interested, Jim Brain stocks Jiffydos for the c16/c116 and plus/4:


Siz, out of interest what alternative custom rooms are available to replace the 3plus1?



Posted By

on 2013-06-03
 Re: Couple of newbie questions about plus/4


All ROMs, PLA, CPU, TED and probably ACIA but I'm not sure about that are socketed in the plus/4. I've never put a heatsink into my plus/4 but I've heard that it prolongs the life of the CPU and TED (altough the metal "cage" around the TED behaves as a heatsink too).
In my (mostly used) plus/4 the 3-plus-1 is removed and replaced with a custom ROM.

Posted By

on 2013-06-03
 Re: Couple of newbie questions about plus/4

Hi there,

I'm not a hardware guru (well, not even a hardware novice happy), but I'll take a crack.

1) JiffyDOS: we've "heard of it". There was a few threads about it on the forum a couple of years back, but I don't think many people are familiar with it.
2) Heatsink: I know some people suggested it, but I don't have any more info on that.
3) Yes, the 3-Plus-1 ROMs are "typically" removed.

In general, there are only a handful of guys who know this stuff (and I would also guess that only a handful of machines that actually have been modded with a heatsink for example), but the good news is that those guys do hang around here in the forum happy

Best of luck with your modding!

Posted By

on 2013-06-03
 Couple of newbie questions about plus/4


I've never owned a plus/4 or TED based system before, but want to get hold of one and have a couple of quick questions about the machine itself and I am hoping you guys can help.

Firstly, I will be installing Jiffydos - is the kernel typically socketed in these machines?

Secondly, as I understand it, TED runs very hot and is prone to failing - so i was wondering about cooling - I presume a heatsiink is the standard - any recommendations?

Also, the 3in1 rom is likely never to be used - do people remove that typically?

Thanks and sorry if these are really obvious questions


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