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on 2012-07-28
 Re: Invalid Category?

Haha! Naughty boy. happy

No harm done. Been a bit crazy the last couple of days with the Olympics and all. Lucky for me the thing I wanted to watch the most was yesterday. The Men's bike race, Poor old Cav but there you go... wink

Posted By

on 2012-07-28
 Re: Invalid Category?

oops, sorry about that. Still, at least it's a bugfix happy

Posted By

on 2012-07-28
 Re: Invalid Category?

Oops, sorry about that. It's just someone (*cough* you *cough*) made a post earlier where the category was not one of the valid ones. Basically that particular parameter was not properly sanitized, with a Firefox extension like Tamper Form or something similar it's easy to change it. Therefore it was on my to-do list to plug that hole. I just put the check to the wrong place, it only needs to check that when you're making a new post, not when you're replying. Now it's fixed and everyone is happy! Well, at any rate, it's fixed.

Posted By

on 2012-07-28
 Invalid Category?

I'm trying to reply in the Castle Eldor +4 thread, but it comes up "Invalid Category" when I try to submit the post. It seems to happen elsewhere too. Not sure why unless I just got out of the wrong side of bed.

Seems to work making new topics, so I'll reply here.
Castle Eldor +4

It says in the disk header NEW2005 so 2005 was at least when the disk compilation was put together. I suppose we'll have to put that as the date, as there's no other way of knowing now.

I'll try add the solution, I was just checking to see if this game was actually completable, and it is. But as the attack hit points are random, you have to keep going back to the tavern hotel room for a REST to replenish your hit points at anytime which makes the solution kinda tricky to implement. Maybe I could just give the solutions on the few main puzzle elements which there isn't that many of. Most of the time you just fight for exp and gold.

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