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Posted By

on 2011-04-13
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

MMS wrote:

> "Revision -5 for commodore 1571
> · Corrects the bug of 310654-03 that moves the R/W head between each sector when writing on the disk's top side.
> Also fixes the annoying problem with the drive not automatically detecting a 1541 or 1571 formatted disk!"

Yes, that is the upgrade ROM for the 1571. JiffyDOS will correct the -03 chip problems, too.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
July 23-24 Commodore Vegas Expo 2011 - http://www.portcommodore.com/commvex

Posted By

on 2011-04-11
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

OK, finally I got my nice 1541/II, tested with few discs, and thanks God it's works perfectly grin
(it is confirmed now that my 1541C is really dead - only the 200 discs coming with that drive may compensate me a little for this tragedy). Plus/4 still on the way, so Street Rod was the one I played with.

In fact it is funny to see next to each other the 1541C and 1541/II, what a difference! 1541/II is small and "cute", 1541C is a huge brick

The 1571 confirmed NOK (head defect), and I found an interesting ebay auction, could be linked to that strange case, that a lot of 1571s I right now aware has a head defect:

"Revision -5 for commodore 1571
· Corrects the bug of 310654-03 that moves the R/W head between each sector when writing on the disk's top side.
Also fixes the annoying problem with the drive not automatically detecting a 1541 or 1571 formatted disk!"

Posted By

on 2011-04-03
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

Dear Robert, thanks for the info

I already decided what to do, my tested 1541/II is on the way to me happy It will surely work in all circumstances, and with Pigmy fastloader I suppose it is even faster than the 1571 happy
Also an untested Plus/4 just on the way (without PSU), but with round power socket (I cross my fingers to work with the C64 PSU, or at least with any PSU :-? )

I will buy the 1571, when I decided to buy the 128 too. Maybe I will buy an 128D, anyhow Plussy cannot do too much extra with that drive.
1581 is out of scope. no burst mode with plussy and no(or very few) D81 files available.

Posted By

on 2011-04-03
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

MMS wrote:

> I am considering the 1571, though I know only C128 knows the burst protocol...

Well, the C64 can recognize burst protocol, too. Look at the thread at


> If I would buy the 1571, ALL the fastloaders and demos and games work with that? So will behave as a normal 1541?
> or it may cause troubles, like the dual head, etc

For more compatibility (but still not 100% compatibility) in 1541 mode, you need a 1571 upgrade ROM or JiffyDOS in the drive.

FCUG celebrating 30 years,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

Posted By

on 2011-03-29
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

I will be on Budapest on the 1st April (10AM - 14:30 PM), and it's not a joke happy

I will let you know via PM where I will be on that day. It will be a little busy day, but I can plan in a short meeting (no functional test needed, haha !).

Posted By

on 2011-03-29
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility


I'm interested in the dead 1541C. I don't remember but I can collect it personally if you are in Budapest.


Posted By

on 2011-03-29
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

THX James, your feedback was essential. Hey, 1541/II, I am coming happy

(BTW let me know if anyone needs a dead 1541C (free, just the postage), for components or just the housing (it is in OK condition).
I checked him in more details, like connectors, wires, head movement on the sledge, but seem that the head moving control (ICs) are completely dead. So I conclude brain dead, and I do not have the parts, equipments and competencies to repair it)

Posted By

on 2011-03-28
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

I have a 1571 and it works for most stuff but fast disk loaders probably won't work.
Too bad the Plus/4 didn't support the burst mode. There wouldn't be a need for a fast loader.

Posted By

on 2011-03-28
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

Hi Crock!
I am considering more and more the 1541/II (maybe due to some good old memories :--) ), and if I decide like this, it causes no probem to organize you the 1571 via the webshop. Well, it is double pice, and I am not sure about the C=128 happy (I am sure I will never really use CP/M, but BASIC7.0 is an interesting matter, if I really want to teach my boy programming)
Please send me to my private mail an address, just to guess the postage cost in advance (there are horror postage price in Hungary, don't be shocked).

Posted By

on 2011-03-27
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

Yes, it's the same speed. I have no idea if there is a 1581 fastloader for the +4, someone on here would know better than me.

I would really like a 1571 as well and that seems like a good price. I have 2, but both have damaged heads and I can't find replacements. If you decide you don't want it, would you be willing to buy it for me and post it (I don't speak much hungarian) I would obviously pay you up front as well as compensating you for your trouble?


Posted By

on 2011-03-27
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

Hi, thanks for the answer, it was my concern.

Haha, and what I should do with my >200 5.25" discs? Cut them to 3.5" size? happy
It is not a real option to me, despite 1581 is a nice piece of HW.

BTW, it is true, that 1581 is the same speed with 1541 if connected with the Serial bus to C64 or Plus/4?
Just asking (probably there is no fastloader existing for this drive on Plus/4)

Posted By

on 2011-03-25
 Re: 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

No, not all software will work. The 1571 does have a 1541 emulation mode but its not hardware compatible. If compatibility is your priority, get a 1541-II. If you want the best drive that will work on your +4 and your 64, get none of these - get a 1581. happy


Posted By

on 2011-03-25
 1571 floppy drive: compatibility

Hello guys,
Finally I started to get my real HWs for proper testing of my upcoming SW stuff happy

As a start, I ordered a cheap C64 config with 1541C (there was no proper plus/4 config right now, or Germans on ebay do not want to ship Hungary).
Unfortunately the 1541C does not work properly, red LEDcomes up, spins a little, but RED does not goes off, no functions. Probably a IC failure, as I read. Anyhow, it was not promised, so duh, it was my risk. But it came with 150pcs of DD floppys, two joys, and a real good 5-pin version Scart cable (hooray! it may work with Plus/4, I think). C64 works good.

Now I am considering buying now a Plus/4 and a floppy drive.
If I would buy an 1551 then it won't work with the C64. So the only options
-1541 I hate the brown look, not modern --> skip
-1541-II modern look, I had it in the past
-1541C I just have it, but crap big brick --> skip
-1571 modern look, modern internals,

I just found a nice webshop for Commys:

I am considering the 1571, though I know only C128 knows the burst protocol, but t is a nice piece of modern hardware, and if I buy later a C128, it will work will all of them. It costs the half as 1551... But double price as the 1541/II (well, it has two reading heads, haha)

If I would buy the 1571, ALL the fastloaders and demos and games work with that? So will behave as a normal 1541? or it may cause troubles, like the dual head, etc

OFFER: I would like to contribute a little to the next releases.
If anyone ran out of his DD floppys and cannot get it from anywhere cheap, just let me know.
I am open to post 5packages of 10pcs kit (3M, Sony, and nonames) FREE to any serious Plus/4 member who need it for their Plus/4 work/release/etc. (as I do not need so much C64 game floppys.)

Certainly (as I have no working floppy drive) I cannot grant that they are OK or readible, so it is some kind of lottary But they are free (without box) for you.
In case more demands come I may consider selection of people has "more releases" or increase of quantity.
I cannot grant quick shipping (I am ina transient period to a new workplace, buying car, burocratic stuff, etc), but it will happen within 1-1.5 month.

you may send your demand to:
zoltanmarkus AT gmail DOT com

And thank you for the answers related to 1571 !

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