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on 2011-01-25
 Re: Partially dead Plus/4

Can be a RAM failure. Unfortunately the 4164 chips are soldered on the mainboard. Try to check if one of them is hotter than the others. It could be the defective one. Based on the screen your TED is working fine together with the KERNAL ROM (as it initializes TED correctly)

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Ian Colquhoun
on 2011-01-24
 Partially dead Plus/4

Out of 3 Plus/4's I've acquired, only one even comes close to working. Currently I get a screen that looks like this http://postimage.org/image/251qn0nms/. I've tried swapping the TED, 8501, kernal ROMs, the PLA, and removing the 3-plus-1 ROMs and still get the same screen. What you don't see in that shot is the flashing black cursor at the home position. The keyboard is non-responsive. When I press the reset button, garbage flashes across the screen - mostly @ symbols, but not all.

I'd love to be able to piece together at least one working machine. Any ideas what I should try next?


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