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Linux n00b
on 2007-10-01
 Re: Compiling VICE under linux?

Hey, I got it working! In retrospect, I should have searched the Ubuntu forums first, it helped me before. I found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278022

And voila: [URL=http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ubuntuplus4ma2.png][IMG]http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/1007/ubuntuplus4ma2.th.png[/IMG]

Thanks for the help guys!!!

Posted By

on 2007-10-01
 Re: Compiling VICE under linux?

The plus4emu download page is here:
I do not know if the binaries will run on your distribution, but I statically linked as many libraries as I could, so it may be worth a try. In addition to the packages at the above mentioned page, you also need http://www.sharemation.com/IstvanV/roms/plus4emu_roms.zip. To install the ROMs, create a directory ".plus4emu/roms" in your home directory, extract the zip file there, and run the 'makecfg' utility included with the binary package, clicking OK to any windows that pop up. After that, just run the main 'plus4emu' executable.

Posted By

Linux n00b
on 2007-10-01
 Re: Compiling VICE under linux?

Hey, thanks for the QUICK help guys! First I tried what TLC said (having Ubuntu installed): "sudo apt-get install vice" indeed worked... but... it's an old version... I'm surprised that it actually worked this far, I searched the "Add/Remove..." list first and it wasn't there. Second, when I type xplus4, it writes out some stuff including this error: PLUS4MEM: Error - Couldn't load kernal ROM 'kernal'. Machine initialization failed.

Then I tried IstvanV's commands. The key here was the dot-slash! I did remember the configure command, and I saw it in the folder, but when I typed "configure" from the terminal, even though I was in the right place it said "bash: configure: command not found". Who knows why you need dot-slash? Nevertheless, it almost compiled, but gave an error. I googled it, it's exactly this: http://www.edlug.org.uk/archive/Jun2006/msg00010.html, even has a reply but I don't understand what they are on about.

Where's the download to the linux binaries? I found your page about plus4emu, but I only read until the part about needing to compile some libraries from source...

Posted By

on 2007-10-01
 Re: Compiling VICE under linux?

Or, your dist might as well already have it... at least Debian, Ubuntu and Gentoo have been having it for a long time... Your job might be as easy here as searching for the package in your dist's repository and installing it like, say, apt-get install vice or emerge -av vice or something like that...

Posted By

on 2007-10-01
 Re: Compiling VICE under linux?

The vice source package does include detailed installation instructions in an 'INSTALL' file. But you can basically install it like most other packages, with the following commands:

su -c "make install"

Then just run 'xplus4' (or x64 etc.) to start the emulator. You need the standard development tools and libraries for compiling.

Alternatively, if you need a C16/Plus/4 emulator for Linux, and do not have an older, slow machine, you may want to try plus4emu, which allows for much more compatible emulation, and there are Linux binary packages available for download.

Posted By

Linux n00b
on 2007-09-30
 Compiling VICE under linux?

Does anyone have step by step instructions on how to compile VICE under linux? I can't seem to find documentation on this anywhere... Either it's a major oversight or I'm blind... What's the point of releasing it for Linux if they don't include how to get it to work? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME OUT! I'm a complete n00b to linux though so please make the instructions idiotproof... THANX!

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