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on 2015-12-22
 Re: Spotlight on Cassiopei!

I read through the description,and for me looks to be a fantastic device. The only limitation I see is the 8MB of flash memory. Despite compression, i have questionmarks if it can store more than 8-10 TAP files (I prefer PRG)
After I tested the IEE2IEC cable and the SFD1001 just arrived yesterday ( may do some tests and video about it), may look for this one too. 😊

Posted By

on 2015-12-21
 Spotlight on Cassiopei!

Cassiopei is a multi-functional cassette tape port adapter developed by Jan Derogee. It allows you to add your own hardware to your CBM computer. This hardware then can be used on all CBM's.

The expansion connector features:

- PWM audio (speech synthesizer and the 8KHz, mono, 4/8bit sample player)
- 10bit Analog to digital converter
- KlikAanKlikUit signal generator (for both the old (dip-switch modules) and the more advanced (learning modules) system). Use the Cassiopei for home automation.
- I2C interface, allows you to connect many digital circuits in an easily expandable way. Add many digital IO's, control servo's using a I2C PWM controller, driver stepper motors or relays, etc.

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