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on 2015-06-26
 Re: 1551 was working, now its dead and killing my fusebox fuses

Just a warning:
Those filters actually may blow up. Happened to me in 2006 or 2007.



Don't try this at home, kids wink

Luckily, nothing caught fire and even the 1551 survived this. Later models don't have that part – it's replaced (if I remember correctly) by a filter integrated in the power socket.

Posted By

on 2015-06-11
 Re: 1551 was working, now its dead and killing my fusebox fuses

Maybe the Russians have been in the area testing out some EMP, Electromagnetic Pulse device after detecting a massive power surge for your part of the world that knocked out half of Russia when you first switched it on. happy

Posted By

on 2015-06-10
 Re: 1551 was working, now its dead and killing my fusebox fuses

Hi! Thanks for the answers. I got some help from irc and after a surgical lobotomization of the filter the drive seems to work fine again. =)

Posted By

on 2015-06-10
 Re: 1551 was working, now its dead and killing my fusebox fuses

I doubt that the part shown in your picture made the fuse blow up. The shown component is just a simple radio filter which is to suppress interfering AC radiation from the power pack. Can be overridden without any damage to the equipment. Probably radio and TV receiving within the same power circuit may be disturbed without that filter, and maybe the TV set or monitor being used for the computer maybe disturbed as well.

The stench you noticed, however, leads to a more serious fault. I recommend to disassemble the unit and to look out of blown capacitors and faulty soldering points.

Posted By

on 2015-06-10
 Re: 1551 was working, now its dead and killing my fusebox fuses

If your circuit is rated for 15A and you have 14A of things on that circuit already ... adding the 1551 will bump you to (or over) 15A and the fusebox will not be happy.

The 1551 draws practically no power when it's turned off. Since it passed your initial test (before your walk) it could well be something else on the same circuit, like a light or lamp was turned on between the first test and the second one.

Posted By

on 2015-06-10
 1551 was working, now its dead and killing my fusebox fuses

So. I got my 1551 today, its in quite good condition.
I plugged it in, tested it using the official test floppy, everything was fine.
I turn everything off and leave for a walk.
When i got back the fuse had blown in the fusebox.
I unplugged the 1551 and reset the fuse.
Checked the fuse IN the 1551 and it was whole.

Checked inside the drive, nothing looks blown or burned.
Tried to plug the drive in again and the fuse in the fusebox goes.

Anyone got any ideas whats happening?
And why isn't the fuse in the drive going?

Theres quite a pungent stench from the drive when i try plugging it in.


Ok, i think it was this fella that busted: http://mikenaberezny.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/filter-closeup.jpg

Anyone know if i can just remove it and get a new one?

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