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on 2009-01-26
 Re: Commodore 16 expansion

let's overclock dat! happy

Posted By

on 2009-01-26
 Re: Commodore 16 expansion

But I suppose not the iones I mentioned? seems to be different speed (80ns?).
In the hardware section (C16 memory expansions) I saw RAM chips used from 70 to 150 ns too, maybe it is not critical, if it is faster... I am not an expert in that, just curious, if these ones can be for any use for you. I do not remeber, why I bought it...
I will give and post those 4 ICs free for anyone needs in this forum! happy
If no candidate, I will sell it on ebay...

Unfortunatekly I could not find for these Samsung RAM chips any specification sheets...
That's why I cannot comment the housing, and exact specs, maybe

Posted By

on 2009-01-24
 Re: Commodore 16 expansion

Luca: you can use 256Kb chips just without to cable the MSB, so that they work as 64Kb chips.

MMS: He's not Luca/Fire but another Luca happy
still italian happy
like me happy

Posted By

on 2009-01-24
 Re: Commodore 16 expansion

I did remember, that have some memory IC "41" somewhere, and I supposed it is for C16.
I just wanted to offer you them, and checked all my old stuff for that.

I found them, but seems a little too big for the small guy happy
mine is not 41464, but a 41C256P-8 (I have 4), but they seems to be 256Kb RAM ICs, maybe for good old VGA cards, or Gravis Ultrasound? Unfortunately too new for you !

BTW: Luca, why are you apprearing now as "register"? I remember you had a correct profile in the past.

Posted By

on 2009-01-23
 Re: Commodore 16 expansion

I would definitely recommend trying to find a upgrade available on eBay or a spare one from someones collection. Other than that, why don't you try making a internal upgrade yourself? Instructions here --->


Posted By

on 2009-01-23
 Commodore 16 expansion

I would like to receive some suggestion about expanding an old commodore 16 to 64K.
Which is the most convenient way ?

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