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Posted By

on 2001-05-22
 Honest Words, can't be bad :-)

Your are a man of the moment. Shame you did'nt capture their faces in the shop as you did with me and the guys. Shame-full piccy of me

Cool. It is a great write up and I enjoyed it to the last. To be honest its fantastic to read a good YAK's view of the day.

Ati (author of Yape) was almost correct. As I'm sure you know Matrix and Lazerzone where both Llamasoft releases for the C16. Your games, but coversions by Aaron Liddiment. He did a great job on both.

Gridrunner on the other hand is one of the plussy sceners mad hack and slash of Matrix Worthy of a look! Great intro screen and a class 2 channel IK+ ted remix tune in there. Hubbard on Plus4

By the way, Lazerzone on the site is a shiiite crack. I've just made another and I'll send you all 3 in a mo.


(=)- grunt

Posted By

on 2001-05-22
 hehe, not to worry ;-).

Hehe, I reckon I would probably have experienced much the same thing if it hadn't been for having a curry to soak up all the booze ;-).

It wasn't *that* cold going back home, it was warm in the car anyway... that bit with the name tag was funny though...

I've done a small site update just to patch in the DNA description to my gnus page; I still intend to gather all the c=16 stuff into a "c=16 pack"; thus far I have Hellgate and Psychedelia (and of course Void Runner), you mentioned hacks of some of the old c=64 non-sprite-based code to c=16 too - any of those around? Might as well put them all in one place...


(:-) - Yak

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