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Posted By

on 2001-05-11
 Another one to look out for is...

C16/Plus4 Refernce Book, by ANCO
I do have this book, but its not made for the scanner as the pages have a 5mm glue line making it hard to keep open

Over all it's a neat book and a must if you see one up for grabs. It was also the first book to offer any good info about the plus/4 at the time.

Even to this day I have never seen the Commodore Plus/4 Programmer's Refernce Book as stated in the back of the +4 user manual (section 14).


Posted By

on 2001-05-11
 This make a good start for the Your Commodore Archive!


Inside Jan1987 issue the Anco C16/Plus4 Reference Book was reviewed. I'm working on this mag now. You can have a sneak look at what else will be covered from the link above..

I can't say when the stuff be be ready, but some time soon.


Posted By

on 2001-05-14
 C16/116 Plus4 ROM Listing!

I have the book titled like that from Markt+Technik, it is very good like everything from that company, but don't have a scanner, if anyone of you guys lives close to Munich, owns a GOOD scanner and is willing to support me/us leave mail!!!

Posted By

Harald Markus Wirth
on 2001-05-18
 i've been searching this book for long time

and could do the scans for you!

Only one problem: I live in vienna and you would have to send the book to me. If you don't want to give it away (as I wouldn't send it to someone unknown) you could make a copy of the book...

please write a msg to my @ in either case


Posted By

on 2001-05-11
 Correction to the above response

I just checked Claude's site and he does not mention the Programmers' Reference Guide as part of his library.


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