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on 2001-05-17

These are very good news. In effect we all need ALL possible infos. But I understand it is not so easy to scan over 400 pages, then you could do it starting from the best interesting items that are:

1) IRQ and TED
2) Hi-res animations
3) Other graphics
4) File system(s)
5) Sounds (speak? )
6) Memory banking
and so on...

Last, of course, the BASIC.
Thanx Fred and waiting news from you.

S\_/S of [FIRE]

Posted By

Fred Phillips
on 2001-05-17

Hi all - I have the USA reference book for the Plus/4 - It is about 465 pages and is an in-depth guide to all aspects of these machines. It covers the following in both basic & machine language: graphics,file access,hi-low res animation,redefining characters,multicolor mode,joysticks,raster interrupts,sound,music - it has it all. I have a scanner - let me know if you need parts scanned - maybe all over time

Your friend,


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