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Posted By

on 2005-09-08
 Re: Housekeeping

Nice work. I also wanted to recommend the latter change.

Posted By

on 2005-09-08

If you haven't noticed... New Uploads became New Stuff. It now includes Programs, Program Notes, Covers, Publications, Tools and Plus/4 Encyclopedia. The first view will list max. 10 records from each section, so you can quickly see what is the New Stuff. There's a (# more) link at the bottom of the tables if there are more records.

Top List: single file demos and megademos/trackmos got broken into two categories. There's not much of a point comparing a 64K demo to the 2 (or more) disk sided productions. The low number of votes is once again a problem, but bleh, ya'll know what you're supposed to do. There is also a List By Category feature, so you can get the Top List of just Chess games for example, or Top 10 Graphics Utilities.

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