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Posted By

on 2005-08-18
 Re: Information

Wow, the number of topics is skyrocketing happy We went from twenty something to 53 (currently). Big thanks to Ulysses777 and everyone else modifying stuff. Okay, anyways: here's the first new (and way cool) feature: {{stuff}} is a Wikipedia style autolink of topics. So if we're talking about the HELP command, and we want to mention TRAP (with a link to it), use {{TRAP}}. It doesn't matter if the link does not yet exist. Once the topic is written the link will start working. If you have other suggestions speak up.

Posted By

on 2005-08-17

Didn't it always bother you that all the information we have is scattered all over the place? We have some odd sites with a few docs, we have the old mailing list full of hidden topics, we have the forum, SVS's Excel files, scanned pages of manuals... Well, that's what the Plus/4 Encyclopedia is for. It's time to get serious about it. I've worked it on a bit to try and finalize the format. I'm sure the whole thing will keep changing just like the rest of the site did until we finally ironed everything out.

So get cracking!!! Sit down and write a few topics. Everyone knows a little bit of something... At least the BASIC commands.

BTW, how does the name Plus/4 Wiki sound? Is it better than the current name?

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