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Posted By

on 2005-09-07
 Re: Commodore16.com Updates

Gamebase Commodore 16/Plus 4 V0.04 Update

Hiya all,

I'm happy to release the next version of the Gamebase.


Integration of the Yape emulator V0.63, which works brilliantly with the Gamebase software. It now runs all the programs without having to start them in the monitor or using a SYS command.

Cover shots of majority of the software, increasing the images to a huge 1251.

All image files are now optimised, but still need a little bit more work.

The size of the game base has increased dramatically to 35 meg though, but I hope you think its worth it.


Please let me have your comments


Ps. Cant believe I nearly forgot to post on the most important forum

Posted By

on 2005-08-15
 Commodore16.com Updates

Hi everyone,

I've started working on the new collection and going to let you know when there's some updates on new information/programs. Rather than creating a new thread for each I will simply respond to this one with the new information.

Csabo, anything of significance that is uploaded to commodore16.com, please feel free to copy it over to Plus 4 World.

Updates so far:

Beta version of the Gamebase system for Plus 4 is available for download. It is in its early stages, but is funtional.

H & D Commodore 16 Handbook, have uploaded in PDF files, Volume 1 Issues 1-6 and Volume 2 Issue 1.

Tynesoft C16/Plus 4 Club PDF document.

Will update you as more details are available happy As there is so much it will take weeks to do it all happy


Chris happy

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