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on 2004-09-22
 Re: Fixing error 23's

No complaints this time, just a note for any "newbies" out there: don't do this on a commercial disk.

Certain disk errors may be part of a copy protection scheme, and "fixing" the disk may actually cause the program to refuse to load. There are also protection schemes that allow the program to load, but will later destroy the disk if its' protections are removed. Commodore US was very good at loading their disk-based software with deliberate errors. This is why certain programs (Infocom games, Hulk, Micro Illustrator, etc) must be copied with care and run from the 1541 drive only (or full 1541 emulation in your emulator).

Posted By

on 2004-09-21
 Fixing error 23's

There was a program in an issue of the Transactor magazine (from mid-1985) that claimed to fix Error 23's on floppy disks. I typed it into my computer and tried it out...it seemed to work, as I was able to read previously unreadable Track/Sectors caused by the #23 error.

It was listed under "Fun with the 1541" article. Here is the program (slightly modified):

0 rem error 23 fix - from transactor magazine (1985)
10 input "what track is the error 23 on ";t
20 input "what sector is the error 23 on ";s
30 open 2,8,2,"#"
40 open 15,8,15
50 print#15,"u1:"2;0;t;s: rem "0" is a zero, not an "O"
60 print#15,"u2:"2;0;t;s: rem ditto, as above
70 input#15,a,s$,d,f
80 print"status--";a;" ";s$;" ";d;" ";f
90 if a=0 then 200
100 print"it didn't work--could be a damaged disk"
110 print:print"try again?"
120 get x$:if x$="" then 120
130 if x$="n" then 200
140 goto 50
200 print:print"done!!"
210 close 2:close 15
220 end
230 rem rest of program continues here

This program has proven helpful already, as it has made one of my disks far more readable and less error prone (most errors on disk seem to be of the #23 variety, it seems). I've also seen some #22 and #27 errors as well.


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