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Posted By

on 2001-01-30

I have found a lot of interesting things! Many thanks!

Posted By

on 2001-02-15
 CMD - owner of Commodore software...?

CMD is manufacturing hardware (and doing a rather good job I might add) as well as selling hardware and software, but as far as I know they don't own the rights to any Commodore hardware or software.

And to clarify: by "Commodore hardware or software" I mean hardware and software PRODUCED and/or OWNED by the COMPANY Commodore...not third party hard- and software for the Commodore range of computers.

Also, the fact that they are selling games and software published for the CBM computers does not mean that they own the rights to all these games. A computershop selling Windoze 2000 doesn't own the rights to Windoze, Microsoft does.

I believe CMD now owns the rights to GEOS though.


Posted By

on 2001-02-16
 Very interesting...

Maybe they fusion Wheels and all that stuff with Geos, or even release a new version? That would be neat (and much better than the MP3).

- Akira
Shmups Mk2 - Showcasing the best 2D shoot'em ups ever!
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Posted By

on 2001-02-16

I'm not an expert on GEOS (not that THAT ever stopped me from having an opinion and shouting it from the mountain tops... ) but...

...I believe CMD did in fact release an "update" to GEOS many years ago, though it was infact just a bundle of already existing shareware programs and patches for GEOS, not a proper update. (Hmm, could this be where Amiga got their idea for Amiga OS3.9....?)

I think it is unlikly that CMD will develop a new version of GEOS. There are many new GUI operating systems under production anyway, such as CLIPS (for the SCPU equipped C64/128) which looks very promising. (I'd have to say that, as I'm part of Protovision, the company responsible for Clips among other things... But really, it looks awesome! )

Check http://www.clips64.de/


Posted By

on 2001-01-30
 CBM rights on software

I think are owned by CMD DEVICES (http://www.cmdweb.com).
If you don't believe, drop a look at its price-list, abosolutely out the time :-/

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