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on 2005-02-02
 Re: BASIC 7.0 available for download

légyszives mutasson valaki egy olyan SPRITE programot, ami működik ezen. 3 hét nem volt elég, hogy alkossak egyet, ahol legalább megjelenít a képernyőn egy sprite-ot.

Please somebody show me a working SPRITE program for the plus/4 in BASIC 7.0. I can't make one after 3 weeks of trying.

Posted By

on 2003-11-13
 Re: BASIC 7.0 available for download

Well then BOOT does not work properly. On 128, BOOT loads a machine language program to its original location (as the first two bytes of the disk's file indicates) and then does the equivalent of a SYS to this location.

If the disk is an autostart boot disk, then a different startup can be defined.

I have noted your contribution. Please let me know if you discover anything else!

Posted By

on 2003-11-13
 Re: BASIC 7.0 available for download

(i dont speak english)
the BOOT command it works! the prg is loaded at the default hex$ 1000 or 4000 and boot command is g1000, or g4000. but basicPRG not started.

Any COMMANDs is compatibile the 128 basic

I think, the sprites commands not correctly compatibile. (wiew the sample basic programs on the C128PAGE)

Posted By

on 2003-11-02
 Re: BASIC 7.0 available for download

Yes, 16k is too small to hold all that code.

I would like to see the documentation (well I'd like to see an English translation of the documentation) for the 'new' commands that are not a part of the 128's BASIC.

BOOT also does not work; in fact if you execute a BOOT U8 enough times you will get a ?SYNTEX ERROR (syntEx instead of syntAx)...... hehehe

Posted By

on 2003-11-02
 Re: BASIC 7.0 available for download

The question is which commands do work?
For example CATALOG works as directory, and its crunched way too (caT, or catA)

In my opinion we need to decide if the cartridge does true command execs or only command names translations (16K should be little for more than 100 new commands)

Anybody has text info?

Posted By

on 2003-11-01
 Re: BASIC 7.0 available for download

As far as I can tell sprites can be defined with SPRDEF; however I cannot get them to display with SPRITE or MOVSPR commands. I have tried both the text and the graphic screens.

As I wrote on the website, the best use of this cartridge would be to list C128 BASIC programs for conversion to Plus/4. This program should allow listing of 128 mode programs so they you don't get weird keywords -- or keywords dropped entirely.

Posted By

on 2003-11-01
 Re: BASIC 7.0 available for download

cool, i have added a dl link, thanks JC

Posted By

on 2003-11-01
 Re: BASIC 7.0 available for download

cool, and the sprite function? the commodore 128 has shapes and sprites? can i use the sprite function like shapes or will be emulate the sprites in basic 7.0?

Posted By

on 2003-11-01
 Re: BASIC 7.0 available for download

(arrgh -- wrong keypress)
Someone entered BASIC 7.0 into the database, and requested a cartridge dump.

I have the dump, and it is available here: cbm264.com link.

Posted By

on 2003-11-01
 BASIC 7.0 available for download

Someone added a database entry for BASIC 7.0

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