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Posted By

on 2003-09-18
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

hexdumb = hexdump.
dumb is me happy

Posted By

on 2003-09-18
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

Eh, not a great trick, but i was lazy to learn happy
However, i can read a hexdumb and disassemble to 6502 opcodes happy (ok, i'm not perfect yet happy)

Posted By

on 2003-09-18
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

No, I said that he NEEDS a hex dump language. He's the only person I know that can look at hexdump and read it without translating. wink

Posted By

on 2003-09-18
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

James C told us in hexdump that SVS whants a hexdump language setting happy

Posted By

on 2003-09-18
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

>>James C: SVS is plain crazy then

Sure, but why?

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

nope, i do not use hex editors happy (only the hex view in far manager, but i use that OFTEN)

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

You do not have Hex-Dec-Bin program for your real machine or YAPE?

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

No, no binary please. Stop joking, i don't have a hex editor, it's difficult to decode your texts happy

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

01000010 01001001 01001110 01000001 01010010 01011001 ?

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

James C: SVS is plain crazy then happy

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

Do you think Japans understand chinese? happy

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Hex Dump Language Setting

I suppose it could be done wink

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

I ate chinese today. Corn soup with eggz, cabbage with chili oil and such things happy

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

53 56 53 20 4e 45 45 44 53 20 41 20 48 45 58 20
44 55 4d 50 20 4c 41 4e 47 55 41 47 45 20 53 45
54 54 49 4e 47 00 3a 29

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

No particular reason, other than I enjoy working on it (with someone I know who speaks it). I'm fascinated by the language itself and the culture. It has been there from the very start, but I just made it available to everyone. To you I recommend using Italian or English though wink

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

Yeah the Japs have been looking at Plus4 for years now. I used to check who had been linking to these pages with the Web Server Statistics for plus4.emucamp.com and there where at the times a number of Japanese sites listed. The Web Server Statistics hasn't been updated for a number of year now... Dont know why.

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Re: Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

I doubt it. But GAIA said something about a lot of YAPE download hits from Japan!!!

Posted By

on 2003-09-17
 Csabo: Why a chinese language setting ?

anyway interesting...
Do you know any chinese Plus4 user?

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