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on 2000-08-23

Can you send me them?

Posted By

on 2000-08-23
 Okay... give me a few days

Sure. it will take me a few days to dig out my old 1541 and my x1541 cable. I will look over the ones I have and E-mail you the list. These were all images recovered with my old J-R Epromer Burner, back when Christian S. was developing his OS96 stuff. Jack Vander White was in his peak with his C64 Alive! magazine... and they were both making me crank out PalNtsc conversions of everything...
I hope that either you or Mike D. will include a Pal/Ntsc switch in your nice emulators...someday..

Posted By

on 2000-08-22
 Roms and Stuff

Been up north in the "Bush", so I haven't been able to follow this group for a while... but I see all the requests for Roms, like TurboPlus, and I seem to remember that we uploaded most of those as images to FunNet and I know that I sent them to Christian, in Germany... a few years ago.
They should be in both Pal and Ntsc format. Peter Hanson used to drive me nuts anout that...
I still have most of them on Commie floppy and may get around to xfering them to ibm format.
Just remember that you have to use a hex editor to remove the first few "header" bytes, from the files, to use them as a Rom image.

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