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on 2018-05-31
 Re: Exist GEOS 3.5 for 1541?

The GEOS on Plus/4 (as a lot of other programs) is converted by a private person as a hobby.
So it is not an official release.
Heinrichsen, Oluf probably owned an 1551 drive, and also worth to mention, that 1551 higher speed is better fir for GEOS's floppy intensive work, than the 1541 (though it has it's own built-in fastloader on C64, so maybe this speed difference is not relevant in real life).
I think converting such a huge and complex program is really astonishing result.

I do not own an 1551, probably will never have one, but I am happy to run in in emulator too. It would be great to have a working version with 1541, but I do not think it will happen soon. I accept this limitation too (as we have no mouse support too, due to missing POTX, POTY lines), though I voted a score 9 (only) because of that limitation.

Posted By

on 2018-05-29
 Re: Exist GEOS 3.5 for 1541?

I'm afraid the answer is still the same as when you asked this question last time.

Posted By

on 2018-05-29
 Exist GEOS 3.5 for 1541?


My Q is in title - exist GEOS 3.5 version for 1541 disk drive?
I own MiST and have core of C16, but it works only with 1541 disk drive.
I tried to boot GEOS 3.5, but after start it hangs - it is created for 1551 disk drive.
I'm not owner of GEOS 3.5, I downloaded it from the web and own only GEOS 128 XP.

Thank you for help.

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