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on 2014-10-06
 Commodore Free, issue 83, on-line (fwd)

------------------ Original Message ------------------
From: Nigel Parker
Date: Mon, October 6, 2014 2:10 pm

Next issue is ready.
Issue 84 will be a feature on the software house, CRL. CAN YOU HELP!?

Information about the company, or if you were an employee? Then please contact me !

Here is the contents of issue 83

Commodore Free Magazine
Issue 83
Free to download magazine
dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image

* Editorial
* General News
- RECOIL 3.1.0 Released
- C&A Games Issue 9 Released
- RetroWiki Magazine 9 Released
- Bil Herd Talks: LCD Computer
- RGCD Update
* C64 News
- Commodore Free in Polish!
- ArnoDash 21
- C64 Endings Updated
- Mini Mag Issue 09 Released
- C64 Emulator - Arduino
- Protovision News
- C64 Cartridge Dumper
- USB C64
- Infinity Tape SD2IEC Update
- 16Mhz Reset Switch & ROM Selector
- Exploring the SID 8580
- Drumo in Adventureland
- C128 File Integrity Tool V1.1
- SID-Wizard 1.7
- MiST C64 Core
- C64 Studio 3.6 Released
- Lotek64 Issue 49 Released
- Scene World Issue 23 Released
* Plus/4 News
- Indoor Soccer Brasil
- Notepad+4
- Evo Lution
* Amiga News
- USB Adapter Girlfriend
- EvenMore v0.81+
- Picasso II For The A500
- Donkey Downfall
- Xump Amiga Released
- Worm Wars v8.86 Released
- AmigaKit.com 10 Year Anniversary
- SoundBankster for MorphOS 3.6
- Los Chinos
- Hollywood Player 5.3 Released
- GenesisPlus v1.7 for MorphOS
- Boings World Episode #53 Is Out
- AROS Vision 2.7
* Access the Internet Using VICE
* Jargon Free - DUMBO MUSIC!
* Review: Shack for the Plus/4
* Review: Roll (C64 - final version)
* Review: The Vice Squad (C64)
* Review: Shoot 'Em Up Destruction Set 3
* Interview With Michal Pleban

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