Posted By
 DeadTED on 2000-05-05
| Using a Cannon BJC centronics printer using Script+ on +4
1. You must make a centronics cable from the user port to the printer or buy one from
I bought one because Solder sends a userport driver software with it.
2. Load the centronics(ascii version) user port software discussed above
3. load script plus 4. select number 3 for the printer 5. select (s) for serial connection
and that's it
To print program listings to the printer it's real easy.
1. do steps 1 and 2 above 2. load the program you wish to print 3. type the following - open 1,4 hit return - cmd 1 hit return - list hit return
Almost immediately the output is redirected from the screem to the printer.