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on 2012-02-08
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

O! Sorry guys! :S

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on 2012-02-08
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

@Andras78: Csabo wrote:
"Anyway, maybe thy this URL, not linked on purpose, add .zip to the end."

I've succeeded in downloading the .zip. wink

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on 2012-02-07
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

@Csabo, that's link to 404 happy
@TLC: I 've downloaded the PC-Ultra CD's files and it run on DOS-BOX correctly happy I can get some issues but not all of them of course. Especially it is help when use PC-Ultra issues, because they are in terrible formats (dark backfround, and black letters :s)
Anyway, it is in progress, the main tasks the convert and verify the letters at this moment. It is reduce the capacity. And of course, the daily life happy
Jakec is helping , so I hope I can share the first issue , soon...
Thanks everyone!!

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on 2012-02-07
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

Sorry guys for not replying to this earlier. Just like TLC said it right above, I've "always" had this, I thought others did too, but I have no idea from whence it came. I may have edited some of the files happy

Anyway, maybe thy this URL, not linked on purpose, add .zip to the end.

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on 2012-02-07
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

Found the CD, could install the app in DosBox (similarly) and read the articles. And that's all. Maybe a bit late.

It's very strange, I seemed to remember to have extracted the content back in the days (maybe in the early 2000s).

Posted By

on 2012-02-02
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

@siz: this is great!! thanks a lot! happy
I'll looking some tools to get these information, as I see nobody could do it until this time :s
So, I'm trying it and send a feedback of the result happy
Thanks again!!

updated: @siz: about your 'link' of post, I've downloaded that program of CoV, and read many issue of that topic. The conclusion is: I can run this application through DOS-BOX, works well (notice: in DOS-BOX need to mount an 'E' drive and a 'C' drive paralel!!), the great CoV guys are made a 'Save' icon in that application, inside the 'issues section' and games descriptions and it can generate a TXT file to the Root directory :)
Of course, these not the all of issues. But most of descriptions are can get out with this technique :)
It is really help our job. Thanks! :)

I'll write my experience soon in that topic...

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on 2012-02-02
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

Andras78: I seemed to remember a conversation about this CD. Now with some hours of searching I found it. It was on index.hu forums (C64 Gamez). The articles on the CD are in a compressed .WAD file (that can be extracted easily) AND encoded but nobody was successful in decoding them yet.
Look at this post. And perhaps the other posts around it.

Posted By

on 2012-02-01
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

@Jakec: Really thanks happy
I'm waiting this CD from somewhere, then we can change address and discuss the details there happy. I'll write my the status soon to you! happy
@TLC: I really appreciate that if you can share that CD's content. As I remember well, that was a DOS application, so, I'm afraid that is not easy to get out the information. And I'm afraid, as you said, not all of issues are published
Anyway, the motivation still exist, and today's technic, programs and applications are help so much happy
Please let me know anything you have! happy
Thanks guys! wink

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on 2012-02-01
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

I used to have that CD Ultra issue. I might still have it somewhere at home. I'll visit my parents this weekend, I'll try looking it up. A note however, as I remember they didn't publish all that as plain text, the stuff is hidden in a dos app or something like that, as far as I can remember (...not that it presumably couldn' be hacked out from the app binary, though...)

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on 2012-02-01
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

I can help you. Buying it on CD, but I am afraid that it would not be in great demand. So I hope you will be free once is completed. happy

Posted By

on 2012-01-28
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

Thanks Csabo! I've got that information about this 'text' format from the publisher, it is could be one of a CD of Ultra's CDs publications, but unfortunately I do not have either of them
First, I'm going to explore somewhere this or these CDs (if anybody has these discs, send a message to me please!! thx).
I know the coordination is a very important issue of this project. My idea is to put all of my job to here to the 'Publications project' and give more specific information about the status, members of the project, etc.

Csabo, do you have these CD Ultra CD's somewhere?

Thanks the information, I'll follow the feedbacks and reactions.

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on 2012-01-28
 Re: CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

First, the publisher released CoV in text-only format. This completely eliminates the need for OCR. It was up on the web somewhere, I don't know if you have that, let me know if you need it. I've put up some text as-is, e.g. here:

Second, what you're describing overlaps a lot with our own Publications project. I've done pretty much exactly what you said, see here:
http://plus4world.powweb.com/publications.php?pid=400094&page=8 (Oops, font color problems there.)

This project has the capability of storing the pages as images, or formatted text, or formatted + translated text (that would be the ultimate of those "few" wink people that don't happen to speak Hungarian). Of course this (like the whole site) is progressing very slowly (as in about one page per decade happy), due to lack of time, lack of interest, maybe lack of communication/organization.

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on 2012-01-28
 CoV - Commodore Világ tördelés, szerkesztés/makeup, editing - Volunteer job :)

Dear Members,

I've started a project, based on scanned CoV publications (http://pcvilag.muskatli.hu/irodalom/CoV/ujcov.html) to editing and designing these documents to HTML and to Text format.
I used an OCR to recognize the characters, but unfortunately, many mistakes are generated. I do not have all of these publications, that is the reason I cannot scan these again, with better quality.
My target is to make the first edition (CoV1) to mobile platforms, actually for iPod/iPhone, integrate it into iBook store. I have every program to do this, only the editing process still reduce the time to make this goal as soon as possible.
The result/output is in HTML and XHTML format, so anybody can reuse these to implement another platform: Android store, Nook, etc...
Of course, before implement it into the store, I ask permit from the publisher (ComWare Kft., Lajos Rucz). I hope he will give this permission...I would like to show a DEMOnstration for them, that is important this first issue. Of course, this will be FREE, without any charge!

The question is: is there anybody has capacity for help in this designing process (editing one or two pages)? Every little job is help a lot!
I have every source to share (scanned documents, pages in RTF format).
Please let me know here, when you can take one or more pages for editing.
Thank you. happy

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