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on 2011-07-16
 Re: Countdown to CommVEx 2011, July 23-24

With one week to go, all the details are being finalized on the Commodore Vegas Expo. We will have plenty of presentations, plenty of prizes, plenty of machines to use, and plenty of good, old C= fun. As CommVEx approaches, there will be an update every day at

http://www.commodore.ca/forum (and click on ComVEX)

and the website at


is being modified constantly to reflect what's happening.

Sunday and Monday, we'll be gathering the hardware, software, and prizes for the show.

Starting this Tuesday, I and others will be in Las Vegas, prepping for the show. Come to CommVEx!

The calm before CommVEx,
Robert Bernardo
organizer - Commodore Vegas Expo v7 2011

Posted By

on 2011-05-24
 Countdown to CommVEx 2011, July 23-24

Greetings, all Commodore and Amiga aficionados!

The Commodore Vegas Expo v7 2011 is coming to Las Vegas, Nevada, USA on July 23-24. Sponsored by the Fresno Commodore User Group and the Clark County Commodore Computer Club (of Las Vegas), this year's CommVEx will have plenty to tickle your C= or Ami fancy. We have a line-up of guest speakers, great Commodore and Amiga raffle prizes (including an Amiga 2000 Video Toaster system), door prizes, freebies, and exhibits.

CommVEx hours are officially from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and on Sunday. Late Friday afternoon is set-up time, and you are welcome to join us. And on Saturday night, we unofficially go late into the early morning.

CommVEx costs $10 per person, whether you come for one day or both days. Just $10. If you want to set up an exhibit or presentation table, just pay your admission. If you want to set up a vending table, just pay your admission and give an item for a raffle/door prize.

Our venue is the comfortable Las Vegas Club Hotel & Casino in downtown Las Vegas, 18 E. Fremont St., right next to the dazzling Fremont Street Experience. We'll be in the third floor, Left Field Room. For a description of the hotel, go to


You can book your rooms on that site or at Hotels.com (search for Vegas Club Hotel) or by telephoning the hotel and asking for the CommVEx rate. Rates are as low as $33.60 (including taxes) per night for three nights. (Hint: I got the lowest rates by going to Hotels.com , but the pricing is constantly fluctuating, so it is best to compare the hotel website with the CommVEx rate with Hotels.com).

To read up on all the CommVEx guests/presentations, exhibit, raffle, and hotel details, go to


To read up on the latest and participate in CommVEx discussion, go to

http://www.commodore.ca/forum and click on ComVEX.

I want to thank all previous CommVEx attendees and supporters for your encouragement in the past. I'd like to thank 5C's president Al Jackson and his club for his help and support.

Come join fellow Commodorians and Amigans who in the past have traveled in from Denmark, Belgium, England, Turkey, Italy, and Canada. Come to learn and to have fun with the Commodore and Amiga computers. Come to CommVEx!

Robert Bernardo
organizer, Commodore Vegas Expo
Fresno Commodore User Group

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