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on 2011-03-05
 Re: Announcement: UberCassette V0.01!

Did you try the archive I uploaded yesterday with two Windows executables? The release one should work.
I'm nearly ready for 0.02 now anyway- want to add half-waves!

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on 2011-03-03
 Re: Announcement: UberCassette V0.01!

I replied to this on Lemon64, so I'll repeat it here lol. Quote...

Sounds interesting.

I've tried installing it on my Windows7 setup. But it comes up with "The application has failed to start because it's side-by-side configuration is incorrect". I then did a troubleshoot compaitibility and it automatically configurated itself to run in XP Service Pack 2 mode, but running it came up totally blank, no boxes, not even an error box.

Any chance of getting this to run on Win7?

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on 2011-03-03
 Announcement: UberCassette V0.01!

Hi everybody,

I've been trying to archive my CBM cassettes of Manic Miner, JSW etc., with no luck. So... I thought I'd write my own cassette reader. I've used various ways of parsing the WAV files, and it seems to be yielding good results on worse quality tapes.

It's called UberCassette as I want it (eventually!) to do everything I can think of.. but at the moment it just makes .T64 and .TAP files out of WAV files. It does do VIC-20, C64 and C16/+4 tapes, though. C16 support is limited to full-wave at the moment, I'll try and add half-wave support if I can find a half-wave cassette!

Could anybody with any interest in it please check out my development page? It's at:

It's still a very early version at the moment, so please ANY feedback would be fab. Suggestions, complaints, all are welcome.

Thanks to anyone who tries it, especially those who let me know how they get on. happy It includes source, by the way, and is written in POSIX ANSI C, so is portable, but contains Linux x86 and Windows command line binaries.


Ian Gledhill
ian.gledhill@btinternit.com (but it's a nEt not a nIt!)

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