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on 2010-12-05
 Re: I'd Like To Know Something...

I never tried it with that game, but it's definitely the only way to play the Freescape series.

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on 2010-12-05
 Re: I'd Like To Know Something...

Return Of Rockman is very cool under emulation when you speed it up to like twice the original speed!

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on 2010-12-05
 Re: I'd Like To Know Something...

Apologies for my ignorance, and it's true that the plussy suffered from a lack of dedicated games at the time.

I think Rockman is great, but very hard. The sequel I feel recieved harsh ratings, the scroll is awful but it's the only true boulderdash clone on the C16. Still find it playable enough.

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on 2010-12-05
 Re: I'd Like To Know Something...

If it help's I have all ways called our machine C16/Plus4. Not because of the game titles on the covers of old but because I wanted a C16 for xmas. I got a Plus/4 tho.

Most games were for the C16 & Plus/4 so I will stick with it for ever. Big respect for the C16 as many of the classic games were made with 16K or less memory and so much fun and fond memories were had and made! happy

As Csabo says they are one machine, until you load up the first release of Rockman & the like. wink

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on 2010-12-04
 Re: I'd Like To Know Something...

I'll speak only for myself (should be obvious, but just to be clear wink). The C16 and the Plus/4 are the same. In my mind, they are one machine. Weird, huh?

I wouldn't say the scene is about 64K demos only. We're (mostly) busy and (partly) lazy, so there's not nearly as much new releases on our platform. Now, with that in mind, I would say we have given the 16K machines some serious love. 8SoB, the 4eve03 compo releases, the 1K demos as you mentioned and most recently Uwol. Not bad! People generally don't write games (harder than demos), and when they do, it's "better" to use the full 64K.

Writing 16K compatible games is a very nice challenge. I'm sure there will be more of those in the future. But probably not a whole lot.

Posted By

on 2010-12-04
 I'd Like To Know Something...

How do you personally view the 264 scene? Should it all be mainly about 64K demos? I'm admittingly more a gamer than anything else, but I do love the demos.

I'd like to say that I believe that all the 264 series works hand in hand. As Plussy owners you also have privilege to set lower limitations for the lesser C16'ers to provide an extra challenge.

Should we discount the C16 simply because the Plus/4 has more memory? I personally can't see it as such. There maybe more C16 users than the Plus/4. Are there actual figures?

The reasons why I ask is because even though the C16 is so limited on memory, it's still produced classics such as Tom Thumb and Summer Events which many could swear it only possible for the plussy.

My interest I guess is in the accomplishments within the highest memory capacity to work for all 264 machines.

There is a 1K compo held here occasionally. But why not stretch it to the limits of the C16 capacity instead of one measly kay? Give Udo Gertz a run for his money! UWOL has been a quite nice example of memory limitations recentally acheived.

I would love to say I'm a programmer but sadly I'm not. But a 1K game isn't setting any interesting enough new standards when there is so much more to unlock out of our old black breadbins, although I was mightly impressed with the 1K Boulderdash. UWOL proves though that there's much more life still for the unexpanded C16, although I love my copy of AIT happy

We're a small scene but ir's really professional and well respected. So I'd love to see more C16 compatible software although my C16 is 64K. Can there yet still be a new Sout or Udo that can produce as good if not better with lower C16 memory? I believe the fun is in the challenge which especially Udo set back in the day. lol I really am just wondering. Sometimes you guys do baffle me. I'm just so glad I got my C16 upgraded happy

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