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Posted By

on 2003-06-04
 Bomb & Radio

Ok, I forgot to mention them in the map. They are indeed one-time weapons not required for the solution.
The bomb will kill all (both) enemies in the room. The radio (in fact a scrambler) will freeze the enemies for a couple of seconds.
Use them with SPACE as the keycards. You can hold only one object (keycard, bomb...) at a time.
There are also some weapon changing points, but I found no difference between the two available weapons.

Happy playing

Posted By

on 2003-06-04
 Re: About Future Knight

You kept your word, my friend! happy Many thanks! I'm playing the game now... I guess what I didn't know was that when you pick up keycards, you are supposed to use them with SPACE in certain rooms. Also there are a few more objects: the bomb and the radio. They both just seem to be one-time use weapons. Anyway, that's one question down! wink

Posted By

on 2002-07-19
 ... me too ;-)

... I mean the unanswered questions ...

Curently I am not working on any of the map projects as I have 3 business days
to my summer holidays and a lot of pressure to get things done before ...

... and after my holidays I will have a lot of pressure to get things done
which will come up during the 3 weeks I will be away ...

... and after that I will again have spare time for and for some maps ...

... maybe Future Knight will be the first one although I originally planned Magician's Curse as the next map ...

... so many questions ...

Posted By

on 2002-07-18
 About Future Knight

Hey Noro,

How did it go with Future Knight? A while ago you requested a cheat for this game. I was hoping you'd do a map for it, and while you are at it, you'd figure out what is the object of this game... One of those games that always fascinated me. What's the purpose of those objects you can pick up? Is there an ending or a goal? Sooo many unanswered questions I have... happy

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