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on 2011-03-17
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

After some feedback and playing around with CBM-Command 2.0 Beta 1, I've identified and squashed the following bugs:

1) Timer for stats was slow
2) F1 was not showing help
3) Directory Navigation keys were wrong

All of these are now fixed. Also, the new help file by popmilo, the winner of the documentation bounty, has been incorporated on the disk and is ready to be read!

Happy New Years for the CBM-Command Team!

Version 2.0 Now Available:

You may now download the full release of CBM-Command 2.0 from the project website (http://cbmcommand.codeplex.com). This version is intended to replace all prior versions. New features include double-buffering of the screen when scrolling directories on the C64. Changes include a re-write of the algorithm for displaying directories which makes it faster for all target systems, especially on the 128. Please see the release notes of the 2.0 betas and release candidates for a comprehensive list of changes.

Payton Byrd, Greg King, and Popmilo

PS. Chameleon/CSD created a new splash screen for us. :)

Posted By

on 2010-07-16
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

I finally had some time to check it out. Very nice project, congrats!

I noticed a few very minor issues:
- After (and while) an error message is displayed (e.g. Can't copy to the same drive), the first character in the second line is colored (though it shouldn't be).
- In the rename dialog, if you type 16 chars, the right border is colored.
- Similarly, when you choose rename, erase all chars, and close the dialog box, the last position of the cursor(?) stays colored.

Posted By

on 2010-07-16
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

I've updated the loader to preserve the white background per your code snippet. Thanks for that!

Posted By

on 2010-07-13
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4


Beta Release
This is the final beta release before version 1.5

New Features
* (VIC 20) Added support for the VIC 20 computer, requires 32K RAM Expander
* (PLUS 4) Added support for Commodore Plus 4 computer
* (ALL) New color picker for the configuration program
* (64, 128, PLUS 4) 1581 Disk Image (D81) Support

* (ALL) Removed CTRL key from hot keys that previously required it. Hot keys that use the C= key still require it.
* (ALL) If you have 1 or more files selected (highlighted) and choose delete, all selected files will be deleted. If you do not have any files selected (highlighted) then only the file that the selector is pointing to will be deleted.
* (ALL) When you rename a file the textbox is pre-populated with the name of the old file.
* (ALL) Changed the UI for file transfers to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the copy operation.
* (64, 128, Plus 4) Changed the UI for disk image creation/writing to use a new progress bar to give feedback on the image operation.
* (VIC20) Refactored many of the screens to better fit the 22x23 layout.
* (VIC20) Filename shortening removed and the file type moved to the left of the directory display
* (VIC20) Panels are not displayed side by side, only one panel is displayed at a time.
* (VIC20) D64 support is removed, the RAM was needed elsewhere.
* (ALL) The screen has been made more scalable.

Known Issues
* None

Posted By

on 2010-07-11
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

My previous post wasn't about the config program but about the LOADER wink

I dled the new version earlier today and noticed the black screen.

Btw, is there a list of system specific zeropage addresses you are using? I'm not talking about zeropage addresses that are just "used" as counters etc but those which are used by the kernel (e.g. 186 on C64 = 174 on plus/4). I could check those to see if they are all ok.

Something else:

The routine restoring the F-keys at $10b4 can be replaced with
JSR $F397
(that'll take care of a few other things as well).

If you want a more flexible solution, you should read the F-keys' content on program start and restore them when quitting. Especially for users with EPROM BANKS/cartridges this is better because many of those redefine the F-keys and place a STARTING COMMAND on one of these. For instance, the built-in 3-plus-1 software on plus/4 changes key F1.

As you might know it's just 121 colors wink Black is black is black...

Posted By

on 2010-07-11
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

The config program is going to get a complete re-write. There's too many things that need to be different among the various machines such as PET only having black and white, VIC 20 only having 8 colors, and PLUS 4 having 128 colors. I plan on creating a color picker that works for all the platforms but will scale to the various platforms.

Posted By

on 2010-07-11
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

Btw, since 65301 is the TED register setting the background color, you might want to change the new loader a bit.

The way it is now, it sets the background color to black which isn't really a problem but white looks better (and it's also the default background color). Plus, you can see the what you PRINTed on screen wink

So here's how you do it:

105 IF PEEK(65301)=241 ...

The "trick" works with any color because the register's msb (bit 7) is set automatically (241-128=113).

Posted By

on 2010-07-10
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

After a few productive days with CBM-Command we've reached another milestone. D81 support is now baked into the versions of CBM-Command that do disk images (64, 128, Plus 4). Also, the problems with reading/writing configuration files has been resolved in the Plus 4 and VIC 20 versions.

You can download the BETA at: http://cbmcommand.codeplex.com/releases/view/48724


PS. There will be at least one more beta release after this one depending on what the resolution for the VIC-20 keyboard bug is.

Posted By

on 2010-07-10
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

You are welcome happy I just remembered that this was discussed two years ago and tried to find it. Credits go to Csabo wink

Posted By

on 2010-07-10
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

Thank you so very much! I've updated the loader with the first example and it works great on both the 128 and the Plus 4.

Posted By

on 2010-07-09
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

About the loader...
See "Edit" of my previous post wink

Posted By

on 2010-07-09
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

Any information is welcome!

I think the Plus 4 warrants a whole different CFG program, as does the VIC 20 and PET for that matter. I'm thinking something with a UI that's a bit more scalable.

The loader is going to be problematic, I'm afraid; unless somebody knows how to differentiate between a 128 and a Plus 4.

Posted By

on 2010-07-09
 Re: Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4

Even if it's just a preview are you interested in any feedback? happy

I guess you know about most of these issues already. Just in case...

PEEK(65533) is 255 on plus/4, too, so you have to check for plus/4 in a different way. There have been various suggestions how to do that in this forum. I'll try to find that thread.
PEEK(174) is the current device number on plus/4.

Help doesn't seem to work, yet (I just get a cursor).

I'd change the F-key line according to the actual F-key layout (either unshifted then shifted: 1,2,3,8,4,5,6,7 or by keys: 1,4,2,5,3,6,8,7)

The color names don't show up for background, border and box borders.

"Optical" stuff and suggestions:
Quitting doesn't clear the screen (like in the commander).

Disable Shift+CBM when the program starts, re-enable when user quits.

How to check for a plus/4.

Csabo suggested this (checking system specific registers)

0 POKE 65301, 0 : IF PEEK ( 65301 ) = 128 THEN PRINT "C16/PLUS4" : ELSE PRINT "C64"

gerliczer preferes reading unconnected memory space and suggested this:

20 FORJ=0TO200

This was part of a discussion in another thread which doesn't have any related information otherwise. That's why I just copied the relevant paragraphs.

Posted By

on 2010-07-09
 Introducing CBM-Command for the Plus 4


This release should only be considered a Preview release for VIC-20 and Plus 4 functionality.

New Features
* Added support for Commodore Plus 4 computer

* (VIC20) Refactored many of the screens to better fit the 22x23 layout.
* (VIC20) Filename shortening removed and the file type moved to the left of the directory display
* (PLUS4) Created color scheme to match the environment

Known Issues
* (VIC20) Many of the keyboard shortcuts on the left side of the keyboard do not work under VICE. After speaking with members of the VICE team they are pretty sure this is a problem in the GETIN kernel routine which is used by cc65. I would greatly appreciate it if someone with a real VIC can verify that the keys do not work on real hardware before I bring the problem up in the cc65 forums.
* (VIC20) I still haven't figured out why saving the configuration doesn't work.

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