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on 2010-04-26
 Re: PC to 1541


I guess it was rather MK3. Anyway, software was developed a lot since then (at least for Amiga it was), you might give it another try.

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on 2010-04-25
 Re: PC to 1541


Well, I only tested it in a PC (I suppose we're talking about the MK4 ie. the one tested in the Amiga was an MK4 too)... actually two PCs, no luck. ...Slightly off, it might be worth to give it an other attempt someday (newer drivers, better support, other PC etc.), but I got slightly disappointed about it back then (heck, I was "serious" about playing SID tunes on sort-of legacy hardware) so put it aside... end of story. I've been using X*1541 cables + OpenCBM to transfer disk images ever since.

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on 2010-04-25
 Re: PC to 1541


Well, what I have seen was working like a charm with both in 1541 mode and with 3.5" DD floppies... In an Amiga, actually. Haven't heard the SID working, though.

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on 2010-04-25
 Re: PC to 1541

The best solution I found is to use a XM1541 cable with OpenCBM. Once connected to a Commodore drive, it works a treat.

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on 2010-04-25
 Re: PC to 1541

Rachy: as a matter of fact, I do have a Catweasel myself, and I only ever had problems with it (let alone the fact that it needs a hacked PC drive in order to handle the "flipped" single sided Commodore floppies). Also -- well, I can't be sure that I tried every and all possibilities to get it to work, but I did at least a lot, because I just didn't want to admit that I paid such amount of money for something basically useless... fact is, I didn't succeed getting it to work "well" (and put it aside, because even the SID feature, which I purchased the card for (in part), wasn't "that" good ie. surprisingly noisy).

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on 2010-04-25
 Re: PC to 1541

You might also give a try to the Catweasel PCI card, which is awesome when it comes to floppy emulation: http://www.vesalia.de/e_catweaselmk4plus.htm

Posted By

on 2010-04-25
 Re: PC to 1541

With an XE1541 at hand, your best bet should be Star Commander http://sta.c64.org/. SC would suggest DOS (FreeDOS, or a DOS boot of Win95/Win98/ME), though, it should be useable in multitasking environments to some extent. Please refer to this page: http://sta.c64.org/scdoc.html#section5, especially the "Operating system-specific extra requirements for running the Commander and accessing Commodore drives" part.

(For a quickstart, I'd suggest copying stuff (the Commander, some disk image files etc.) to a flashdrive, booting up from a FreeDOS livecd, and try if it works (...first, if you can access the flashdrive from FreeDOS at all -- most of the time you can, if you can't you can probably enable some legacy USB "emulation" in you PC's bios setup). If you succeed transferring disk images from/to the 1541, you can go on tweaking things so that it'd also work from your multitasking environment).

I'd say you can't really go further at this point because all the other stuff (OpenCBM which is designed to work under multitasking operating environments) requires at least an XM1541.

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mr zetec
on 2010-04-24
 PC to 1541

Help me please! I am still trying to move .d64 to disk. What is the best way to get a .d64 file onto a 5 1/4 inch floppy? Do I have to use xp? what software do I need? I have an xe1541 and a 1541, what program can do this? does anyone here have success?

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