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on 2002-07-08
 Old Plus/4

Wastl has pretty much covered it. Try to fire it up and enjoy it, or sell it on eBay. They are going like hotcakes.

Okay, one more suggestion:
4. Same as #1 above, but learn how to program it and write games and demos wink

Posted By

on 2002-07-07

1. -clean the pluvi, put all cables and accessories ect. in the right place.If you have a 1541DiskDrive buy a XE Cable...load some stuff from the internet enjoy it or look what to find in your own software collection,
or try to write programs in basic or assembler,
join the pluvi community here.
2. if 1. not good idea give me the stuff for free wink
3. or sell it on ebay 20-50 Euro(depending from accessories)

Bye Wastl

(i like to enjoy the pluvi stuff,my first computer ...im still remember powerball wink)
*sorry for but english:german i can perfectly lol

Posted By

on 2002-07-07
 Plus/4 In Moth Balls

Ther is an old computer called Plus/4 laying around collecting dust don't know what to do w/ it. Got any ideas?

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