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on 2009-10-06
 Vintage Computer Festival UK 2010

Hi all,

Just to make you all aware of the UK's first Vintage Computer Festival. June 18th*-20th 2010.

In and around the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park, this is a three day event celebrating the history of computing in the UK. It will cover everything from early machines to retro gaming!

There will be a variety of things to look forward to, including:

Exhibition of private collections
Guest lectures
Machine demonstrations
Bring and buy sale
Vintage challenge
Private collections are welcome and a secure area is planned to allow visitors to see and learn more about the history and restoration of computer systems

All in the beautiful setting of Bletchley Park!

Those who would like to exhibit a private collection, would like to give a demonstration or would simply like to know more are cordially invited to get in touch via the contacts page on our website - please mention that you saw this post on Plus/4 World.


The site has some basic details at the moment and is currently still under construction, so keep watching for further details!

If any of you have an impressive collection of kit (Plus/4, C16 or otherwise), then would you be interested in having a display? We're keen to attract enthusiasts who are willing to be both exhibitors and/or speakers.


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