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on 2009-09-19
 Re: Commodore Free issue 33 arrives

It is s a great mag (again), I just went through the complete content.

Well, Page30 is interesting. An other (new) FCPGA realization of C64, now seems really focusing on the user. (Multiple Classic Computer (MCC)). Similar to Minimig, but looking for wider base of users.
Well, it is told, should be below current Minimig price (which is 150€), ready to connect ot Monitor or TV. They will support other platforms (!), especially if they get support for the core. Yeah we discussed it isn the past, but this one is not a complete new system, just the upgrade of the ready one...

Posted By

on 2009-09-16
 Commodore Free issue 33 arrives

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: nigel parker
Date: Mon, September 14, 2009 12:31 am

Commodore Free Magazine
Issue 33

Issue 33 arrives and is available to download as PDF, TXT, HTML, D64, and SEQ files.

Now [I'm] preparing for an operation so it may be some time before Issue 34 arrives. happy

It's a little early and in a new format created by Andrew Vaisey, who was rather silly and volunteered to create the PDF versions.


-Ethernet Cartridge
-JiffyDOS License Acquired
-185 Classic AMIGA Games and original Competition Pro Joystick
-Bezerk Redux Updated to version 1.2
-The C2N-II Datassete project
-BBC computer does SID
-1541 Ultimate II announced
-Cosine TMR Game preview
-Commodore 64 Hacking

Interview With Marshall Alexander - Paper engineer
Commodore 64 Ringtones
Geos & Role Playing Games
Interview with Johan van den Brande - Producer of the Twitter64 Application
Commodore 16 and Plus 4 pages
Graphic Tally Commodore 16+4
Tally Counter
VAT Calculator
Commodore Computer Club U.k. - MIMI Meeting 9th August 2009
Interview with Arcade Retro Gaming
Multiple Classic Computer Platform - ADVERT

Send news and other text to Commodorefree(at)commodorefree.com

Nigel Parker
Commodore Free Magazine
Commodore Computer club U.k.

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