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on 2009-07-26
 Re: Replacing a Plus 4 Keyboard

the keyboard ribbon includes a plastic connector, the motherboard just spikes but its easy..

Posted By

Stuart Wilson
on 2009-07-26
 Re: Replacing a Plus 4 Keyboard

Thanks Chronos - I wasn't sure or not if it was one of these fiddly ribon cables that's hard to replace.

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on 2009-07-26
 Re: Replacing a Plus 4 Keyboard

its not a big deal.. you need to take apart the box, unplug the keyboard and replug it into the another machine.. i recommend to change the whole upper stuff.. all you need is a screwdriver..

Posted By

Stuart Wilson
on 2009-07-26
 Replacing a Plus 4 Keyboard

I'm sure this might sound like a silly question for some, but is it easy to replace a damaged Plus 4 keyboard? I have one Plus 4 with a damaged TED (and good keyboard) and a working Plus 4 with a damaged keyboard. I want to replace to faulty keyboard with the good one.

Sorry for the trivial question. Hope someone can help before I start taking the machines apart!

Thanks in advance.

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