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on 2009-04-28
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

Maybe all the drives have the cartridge burn... because it is the more critic component. You can open one cartridge and see if:
1) is present the uP inside;
2) is there any paper label pasted inside (could says: out, burn, works, etc.). They have be sticked by the technics if they open/tested the cartridges.

If all seems untouched, you could try to connect 2 drivers inside the Plus4 port. Turn off one and set the second as device #9 (see manual). After this, turn on the first one too, and type "DIRECTORY U9"
Keep me informed

Posted By

on 2009-04-25
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

if all of them do the same, the problem is the other side (computer) or in between (the cable)
(sorry, I am from quality, can't help, but I had to do some distance analysis now happy )

Posted By

on 2009-04-25
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

today, i tested the 8 1551 drives. most of them give the green light when i give them power. but when i ask for a directory they gave me the message: device not present error. what can be the problem. it is funny that they all do it. soo, please give me some advice so i can send the drives and computers to all who requested and i make my girlfriend happy by getting rid of the s**t. (that is how she called it!!)

Posted By

Jim brain
on 2009-04-16
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

I would much appreciate getting a couple 1551's from that stash. Someone just shipped my first 1551 to me, but it arrived here with the top case sheared off. I am interested in completing a +4 setup here, one that I can take to shows in the states. As such, I am hoping to get 1 or 2 1551s to stay here, and 1 to travel to shows.

I know it's a bit of work to ship overseas, and I'd be happy to compensate for that as well.

I can optionall compensat with one or more uIEC MMC/SD IEC drive units or some other project I have in my stash, if that is more useful than cash.

Jim Brain (brain@jbrain.com)

Posted By

on 2009-04-14
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

Patrick, certainly I would pay all your service an transport cost, but how much the stuff would cost, I mean a (or 2) working +4 with one (or 2) 1551 including basic cables (I think datasett is not required nowadays, although I also have same tpaes...)?
Just the question, how much it worth now? I really do not want them free (I know you invested money into them)

In fact, why you do not put them on ebay, shredder is just too much activity happy

Posted By

on 2009-04-13
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

i think we need a topic or something to help each other with hw stuff..
something like that: hey i'm johnny weissmuller i need a plusi power supply with an oval plug.. yo, i'm luca i need a cable to test my newest magazine.. ok, i'm patrick and i've somehing to offer.. maybe a column of need and a column of offer happy with price or free tag.. dunno, i think it helps to use more real commys on the scene?!
think about it guys!

Posted By

on 2009-04-13
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

I also spotted a C 116 in action happy

Nice photos and the wall of 1551s is impressive. I have never seen so many of them in one place.

Posted By

on 2009-04-13
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

most of the c16/+4 hardware, seen on the pictures, is at my place now. if nobody took it, it would end up in the shredder. so if someone needs something please send me an email. i am busy at the moment, soo don't expect a very fast service..

Posted By

on 2009-04-13
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

Nice pictures happy I'll undos my C16 :D

Posted By

on 2009-04-12
 Re: April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

Hi! Nice pictures, and very strong presence of Plus/4 team there (although half of them were just under "operation", I suppose defective TEDs...). Only one C16 was seen...
The wall of 1551 is just massive shock, when I was a kid, I could get only an 1541/II, although it was a great stuff too, it was so expensive as if it would be from gold (good old Commodore days...).
Anyhow, nice to watch, I really miss the "real" hardware nowadays, although emulation makes things a little faster...

Posted By

on 2009-04-12
 April 4 Netherlands C= Show photos posted

Photos of the April 4 Netherlands Commodore Show are now posted. See the sights, including Plus4s/C16, Amiga computers, a "wall" of 1551 drives, Jan Derogee and the 1541-III, and a VIC-20 in a desktop box. Go to


Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
Notacon 6 / Blockparty 3 on April 16-19
http://www.notacon.org , http://www.demoparty.us

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