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on 2009-03-03
 Notacon/Blockparty announced for 2009

Notacon 6/Blockparty 3 has had major updates in their respective websites at http://www.notacon.org and at http://www.demoparty.us With only about a month and a half to go, registration, hotel information, competitions, speaker list, and schedule are now detailed. The competitions cover the following categories: Demo, Oldschool Demo, HiRez, Textmode, Music, Photography, and Wildcard. Check out the various events, including the Video and Board Game room which will be going on all weekend.

Notacon bills itself as an event in which technology, community, and creativity are fused together. The sister show, BlockParty (which happens at the same time in the same venue), bills itself as North America's biggest demo party.

With attendees coming from as far as Missouri, Pennsylvania, Texas, California, and Oregon, 104 people have already signed up, and the goal is to equal or better the 300+ attendees of 2008. Sign up for the limited number of rooms at the Wyndham Hotel Cleveland at Playhouse Square at the Notacon.org hotel link.

Hey, bring your Commodore/Amiga demos!

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