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Posted By

on 2009-02-18
 Re: Dunric's 4K Adventure now up

Put up a Plus/4 version here:


Should also work on the C16.


Posted By

on 2009-02-18
 Re: Dunric's 4K Adventure now up

You're right, it is around 8K. I did the math wrong. My bad.

You can download it here:



Posted By

on 2009-02-18
 Re: Dunric's 4K Adventure now up

For everyone else wondering: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/classic/tripods/

Posted By

on 2009-02-18
 Re: Dunric's 4K Adventure now up

Ozymandias was a dude!

I've just got around to showing my 10 year old son for the first time series one on DVD and he was asking for more when it finished!
When I first bought it on DVD I was waiting for series two as they never made the 3rd and then I found out that Steven Spielberg had bought the rights to the name Tripods because of his War of the Worlds so the BBC could not release series two on DVD...

Indeed I also love the Tripods for the same reason. It was all part of that time frame, Plus/4 and TV. I was of that age where I could relate to the guys running to the white mountains and wanted to join them for the adventure. happy

I don't read books.

I had long forgot about the Tripods until it came out of DVD. I've watched it about 4 times since, all episodes back to back in one sitting. happy

Lando. wink

Posted By

on 2009-02-17
 Re: Dunric's 4K Adventure now up

Please don't get me wrong, this shouldn't feel like dissing. However, if ppl put some effort in debugging and helping you with your programs, you should at least use the advice given.

... Csabo and gerliczer explained several ways how to detect on which machine a program is running.

About "4k"... I think that's just a typo. There's an 8k adventure on Dunric's site and I think that's what he meant anyway.

There are also several BASIC "optimizer" programs around which remove REMs and put many commands in one line. So maybe you could actually get it down to 4k without too much work.

Off topic...
When I saw the Remake of "War of the Worlds" (?) I thought they took some ideas from the BBC Tripods.

Posted By

on 2009-02-17
 Re: Dunric's 4K Adventure now up

Your 4K adventure appears to be 8.87 K. From the source it's clear that the game is not at all optimized. At the very least you could have done used the Renumber0,1 command on a Plus/4, or removed the REM lines and removed spaces between statements and the parameters. Of course there's other more advanced things you could have done to keep the size down.

I also agree with Ozymandias that this is not a "real" release. At least put in the effort to make it work on both machines. (BTW, we posted working code before in reply to you about how to detect whether the code is running on a C64 or a Plus/4, it's only 1 extra line.)

Posted By

on 2009-02-17
 Off topic

Are you French and on the way to the White Mountains? happy

Have you read the trilogy by John Christopher? It's even better than the series but I liked that one very much. I think it's one of those childhood or growing up things that you never forget. Just like playing C16 games happy I wonder what my kids will remember.

Posted By

on 2009-02-17
 Re: Dunric's 4K Adventure now up


BBC Tripods mean anything to you?

Posted By

on 2009-02-16
 Re: Dunric's 4K Adventure now up


I think you should modify it yourself so that it runs without extra changes on C16. To be honest, I don't think many people like to modify programs before they can use them.

Posted By

on 2009-02-16
 Dunric's 4K Adventure now up

You can download it here:


You must change the background colors from the C64's version to the Plus/4's. The background should be yellow and the text black and green.


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