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on 2008-11-19
 Re: Return Of Rockman

Yes, I've done it with YAPE and saved states... however I didn't know if there was an exit that opened, as there's the risk with all the dropping rocks and chain reactions that I simply blew it up. It's good to hear that one doesn't open anyway though wink

Posted By

on 2008-11-19
 Re: Return Of Rockman

Oh well, it was worth a punt. Thanks for your help happy

Posted By

on 2008-11-17
 Re: Return Of Rockman

Level 10, the one with "THE END"? That level can be "completed" in the sense that you can collect the required 99 diamonds and kill everything, but there's no going further. It is the end. I verified this by looking at the code: once you collect the right number of diamonds, the "teleport" is opened up by looking for a certain code on the level. On level 10, there isn't one.

The strategy is to run across from left to right and rain rocks on the unsuspecting buddies... Tricky, but can be done.

Posted By

on 2008-11-17
 Return Of Rockman

Hi there,

I've been playing Return of Rockman on the Plus 4 for many years now (now on Yape, but originally with my dad on our original Plus 4 in the mid 80s).

Neither of us have ever completed the final level, and I was just wondering if anyone here has, or indeed if it's possible to do so.

Thanks for any help in advance.

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