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Posted By

on 2002-05-03
 No sir, blame Quake3 and txt msg's

l8ers m8y :-)

Posted By

on 2002-05-03
 Key Change

Hey Lando, did you replace your "." key with a happy key? lol

Posted By

on 2002-05-03
 It's good to talk :-)

As a plus4 message board it's never been over busy, but all the same it's had it's moments and the crowd that have and do use it are a cool bunch.

On top of the fun, name another message board where the authors of a handfull of these games have poped into say "hi"? Now that in it's self is to much to take in happy

It's good to see Csabo in here, long time coming m8 happy

I guess I've posted more because in some ways it was my duty to reply (if I could) and in the darker times I've posted the odd message in a different name just to make the board look different with-out Lando plastered all over the show wink

Anyways what was once my corner is now shared and has been for ages with Csabo, he's the one thats been tinkering happy


Posted By

on 2002-05-03
 You found it

I always loved to play around with those kind of things in the PHP code, so I added the "Post/Month" statistics. happy (Actually I even thought about a Post/Member statistics page, but Lando would be leading the way by far happy) Well, we're just glad that we gave something to the community, and people are using it.

Posted By

on 2002-05-02
 Tied the record for posts last month!

I thought Lando might say something about this, but he hasn't so I will. happy

In April 2002, the Commodore Plus/4 World Message Board tied with its previous record for the most posts in a month. The record was in March 2000, right after the board went up. You may check the number of posts by clicking the 'Posted On' header at the top of that column. You can also check the number of posts you have made by clicking on your name anywhere in the forum.

Thanks to the average of 4 posts a day, I'm now checking the website twice or three times a day, rather than the once a day I was before.

Once again I would like to thank Lando and Csabo for rewriting the messageboard so that it's on Lando's website. The Network54 forum was just getting to be too big of a pain with all the pop-ups and donation requests.

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