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on 2008-10-27
 Re: Most inovating hardware / software 2008

firstly plus4emu!

and secondly xu1541 but i have doubts about the future of xu1541 (but it deserves it, because it helps to use floppy drives with modern hardware)

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on 2008-10-27
 Most inovating hardware / software 2008

The Dutch Commodore User Group is going to give a trophy to the most innovating hardware and software product of 2008. I'm compiling a list of contenders and need your help.

What and who do you want to nominate ?

Some rules:
Product must be Commodore related, released in 2008 or still being developed in 2008. Product must be usable, so no demo's, grafix, or music.

For example (randomly chosen):
DC2N, uIEC, Origyn Web Browser, plus4emu, WinUAE, 1541-Ultimate, Minimig, HardSID 4U, Sideways SEUCK!, SIDTool ...

The Dutch Commodore User Group is a very active User Group in The Netherlands with bi-monthly meetings with 50-100 visitors. Also we have a nice web page and a forum. If you want to learn more about the Dutch Commodore User Group visit our web page. (Dutch / English) http://commodore-gg.hobby.nl/index.htm

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