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on 2008-10-17
 Re: How to become a registered member

Welcome lucar! happy
Yes you can become a registered member. Please write to one of our administrators here in order to set your nickname and password.

Posted By

on 2008-10-17
 How to become a registered member

Hi guys,
i am old owner and entusiastic user of a commodore 16 machine. I started developing on it while i was 11. Now I am 36 and I make out a living thanks to my programming skills. If it was not for my little c16 pet probably I have never ever been involved in computers at all. I would like to give something back to the community. I was dreaming to develop a c compiler for the 6510 and then integrate it in some emulator ( plus4emu is the obvious candidate). But first of all one question: is it possibile to become a registered member of this community?
Thanks in advance,

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