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Posted By

on 2008-09-11
 Re: Donation?

Thanks for the quick answer. For such a continuous activity I would be toooo lazy.

Thanks for the support in advance. I will send you my pictures after my Botox finished.
I should be a well-looking guy on this page to get some respect happy)

Posted By

on 2008-09-10
 Re: Donation?

The disk space appears to be unlimited. HTTP Upload from browsers is unfortunately not available: there are no write permissions on any of the folders. Therefore any new file content must be uploaded via FTP (and of course the FTP account information should not be public). If you do have new content, send it to me or Luca and we can upload it.

Posted By

on 2008-09-10
 Re: Donation?

Well, if you do not need the money, I can support you with a fresh DVD-R disc for the save happy))

B y the way: am I too lame, or the upload of new graphics (eg personal photos, avatar for my profile) is limited to few moderators/owners? If the size on host is limited, I can understand that.

Posted By

on 2008-09-08
 Re: Donation?

The files are at least 900 MB (could be a lot more, I'm not sure how old my backup is and whether it includes the D64 recall folders). The db size is reported at 36 MB.

Posted By

on 2008-09-08
 Re: Donation?

Physical size? I suspect it'll fit on a 3.5" disk happy

Posted By

on 2008-09-08
 Re: Donation?

whats the physical size of the site approximately? i'm just courius :D

Posted By

on 2008-09-07
 Re: Donation?

First of all let me thank everyone who offered monetary support, it's very kind happy I like this site as well and I'd hope to see it continued, but personally I don't have it in me anymore to take on the responsibilities of hosting a new site. It's really not the money, I could afford those rates as well - although let me reiterate that it's a pleasure to know that you guys are willing to pony up the cash.

So what does this mean? The hosting (that we still generously get for free) is obviously having problems, I don't want to be an alarmist here but it feels like it's standing on it's last legs. Nevertheless, it's set up and it still works. As long as it's up, I'll vow to keep maintaining the codebase and the database. Not much is needed in terms of those anyway, what we're lacking is new content. Luca's much appreciated efforts kept things going in the past months in that area.

I'm not at all opposed to moving to new places, and if or when that happens I can offer my help with getting all the PHP files that make up the site now and the current database backup. Once that's handed off, I'll be done for good happy Who would set this up or how - well, that's up to you guys I guess. I mentioned in the past that I'd like to see some kind of group effort here (redundancy so no issue depends on one person, voting on issues, etc) but let's face it: it probably ain't gonna happen. happy

On final note on the technical side: when this site is down, just hit "ztnet.com". That's the owners' main domain, and points to the same IP as emucamp.com. I've never encountered a case when one would be up and the other down, it's always the same result for both. So it's definitely something on their end and it's on the server level.

Posted By

on 2008-09-05
 Re: Donation?

OK, thanks. Pls do not take it personal, I was just a little surprised.
Well, it may really help, certainly this movement will happen only if the owners of the current one really want dto do it or the situation become so bad, that they have to do it.
Anyhow, I am more than happy to support it personally. Certainly I am not a millionare, but can support such activity without major issues. (OK, maybe in Hungarian Forints I am a millionare, but anyone who owns a car can tell this about himself happy thanks for the crappy HUF and the relatively high influation)

Posted By

on 2008-09-05
 Re: Donation?

Yep - What JamesC said. I'm only really offering to fund the move to a dedicated site, but it is dependant on Lando and Csabo wanting (and being able) to move. Theres a lot involved, as I think they require specific database access for everything....

But its their call....

Posted By

on 2008-09-05
 Re: Donation?

The last time I saw emucamp.com go down..... I did receive the error message from the emucamp.com server. It wasn't a DNS problem or a wire at the bottom of an ocean.

(Next time the site goes down, look at the last line of the error message screen. That's how to tell if you actually reach emucamp.com or not. If it says "something something version x.xx at emucamp.com" then that verifies it's a problem at emucamp itself.)

Posted By

on 2008-09-04
 Re: Donation?

its annoying :D
where can we complain? the ISP's domain server is dying or some fisherman's anchor broke the optical connection sometimes?

Posted By

on 2008-09-04
 Re: Donation?

MMS -- Indi is the owner of www.plus4.com/net/org. He was simply stating the offer to forward one or more of those domains over to this site, rather than Lando and Csabo having to pay for www.plus4world.com.

But all that seems to be hinged on Lando and Csabo moving Plus/4 World to another host, the way I understand it.

It is the current host -- not Lando or Csabo -- that is having trouble keeping the site up. One can throw all the money in the world toward Plus/4 World, but until it moves to another host, there will still be access problems.

Posted By

on 2008-09-04
 Re: Donation?

So, maybe I am dumb, but still not clear: Indi: you own this site and playing the hosting bill, or just want to sell here other sitenames for us? As the original question wa THIS site, and if you would own PLUS4WORLD, then probably it would be the place this site would run....
I am not willing to create and maintain a similar and concurrent page, I am very happy with this one (OK, the upload and data mantenance is a challenge for me, but maybe I will learn it at a certainy time, maybe in XXII.century...).
So, back to the original question, how to donate THIS site, not by buying other names I not willing to use...

Posted By

on 2008-08-28
 Re: Donation?

nono...I speak perfect Scottish, not perfect English happy
(Although..... its probably closer to perfect Dundonian - which is REALLY bad wink )

Posted By

on 2008-08-28
 Re: Donation?

wow, I think some parts of Indi's inputs were TOO English for me happy)

I suppose a Scottish should speak perfect Eenglish, means that I should train myself further ;->>

Posted By

on 2008-08-28
 Re: Donation?

ditto.... Although it needed cost much to change. http://www.powweb.com/ does hosting for $7.77 a month with unlimited bandwidth and disk space. I know theres code to be ported so it has to be compatable, but you should take a look.

Then you could register plus4world.com (still available!) and have your own proper site!

To be honest....to keep it up and running, I'd probably be willing to pay for the lot ($93 a year...I think I could manage that! wink ), but that probably wouldn't be fair as I'd have ownership of it and the domain, which if I get busy and something happens...wouldn't be good.

Also my old Plus4.org domain (which i still own) gets around 300 hits a month, and I'd be willing to point that at a proper dedicated site. I also own plus4.net and plus4.com, but they don't do the business the .org one does happy
(.net got 12 hits last month, and .com NONE!)

That said...if not one else can afford it, but you guys really want to move, I'd be happy to set up a site you guys all have full admin access to.... I'd love to see this site up and running more.

Posted By

on 2008-08-26
 Re: Donation?

yea, i agree.. i don't like any downtime at this page, if it is caused by money or anything.. i will help too!

Posted By

on 2008-08-26

Dear All who are involved!

Actually I already spend dozens6hundreds of lucky hours here on that page.
I do respect all your work and efforts, and this page really become my favourite (after some XXX ones happy )

I now, that making something as a hobby is the biggest fun, but I also know, that it needs some investment. I hardly believe, that the link on the first page "support" really generate any income.
So my question: if I have so much money, that it will burn my pocket, is there any plan to create an account for that site, i may send some bucks to help development of the site? New server, HDD, or the hosting costs, etc?
Is there any direct way to support the efforts, without calling this money anything else as a donation for a good will? Like "donation" menu on lemon64.

Please do not take this post wrong...

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