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on 2008-05-13
 Re: Plus 4 seems to have less memory than it should?

Please make a photo of the machine...And maybe also of the insides...

Posted By

on 2008-05-11
 Re: Plus 4 seems to have less memory than it should?

i don't have a c64 and the chips are all in sockets, which ones do I need to replace and are they still available or am I better off looking for another plus/4?

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on 2008-05-11
 Re: Plus 4 seems to have less memory than it should?

Maybe you're a lucky owner of one of the prototypes 232? happy
If not you've one memory chip burn. In order to repair it, you must to check if the 8 small IC of memory (each 8 Kb) are socked or directly solded inside the motherboard. Anyway they can be switched with an old C64 motherboard...

Posted By

on 2008-05-11
 Plus 4 seems to have less memory than it should?

Hi wonder if anyone has any ideas on this, when the plus four is powered up and screen says it has something like 32000 bytes free, thought this would have been more?
Also the bulit in software does not work, the machine will load c16 games but not any of the plus4 only games - was thinking this may be some sort of memory problem - any ideas what's wrong,

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