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on 2008-01-02
 Re: CommVEx v4 on July 26-27

great! ..but its too far for me..

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on 2008-01-02
 CommVEx v4 on July 26-27

The Commodore Vegas Expo v4 is set for Saturday and Sunday, July 26-27, at the third floor Jockey Room 1, Plaza Hotel & Casino, 1 Main Street, Las Vegas, Nevada. Official times are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Unofficial times are whenever the Jockey Room 1 door is open. Admission is $10, whether you come for one day or for both days. Raffle prize tickets are one for $10, three for $20. Door prize tickets are given to each attendee. Eight to ten Commodore and Amiga systems are set up for attendees to use. Presentations and exhibits are still being lined up. For the latest information, go to

http://www.commodore.ca/forum and click on ComVEX.

Happy New Year!
Robert Bernardo
CommVEx organizer
Fresno Commodore User Group

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